
xù shù
  • ordinal;ordinal number;number
序数 [xù shù]
  • [ordinal number] 像第一,第二等表示次序的数,还有一些惯用的表示法像大舅、二舅、头一次等。此外像一组、三级、六层等因后跟量词或名词,可以省去第

序数[xù shù]
  1. 在DLL中通过序数输出表引用索引的一种建立方式。

    A build wherein the resulting DLL export table references indexes functions by ordinal .

  2. 把EMBs作为序数测度指标,用有序概率模型(OP)估计。

    In the second approach the count of EMBs is used to obtain an ordinal measure ,( Ordered Probit model ) .

  3. R是与有效原子序数直接相关的量。

    R is a reference referring to effective atomic number directly .

  4. 定逆序数的n元数码置换个数的一种方法

    A Solution on the Permutation Number of the n - th Numerals for the Fixed Converse Ordinal Number

  5. 从理论和实验两个角度,描述了物质原子序数对X射线背散射成像的影响、试验环境的影响和噪声的产生机理及影响。

    The affections of the atomic number , the experimental environment and the noise are showed from principle and-experiment .

  6. 原子序数低的CH薄膜在惯性约束聚变实验用靶的制备中应用很广泛。

    Low Z materials such as CH films is useful in ICF targets fabrication .

  7. 造成减产的主要原因是倒伏显著降低了结荚花序数/枝条及荚果数/结荚花序(P0.05)。

    The reason of seed yield decreased by lodging was that lodging reduced racemes per stem and pods per raceme significantly ( P0.05 ) .

  8. 随着原子序数增加,TA与LA的态密度峰高之比递次增大。

    The rate of the peak heights for the density of states of TA and LA increases with the atomic number .

  9. 铋元素具有比碘更高的原子序数,导致了它具有更高的x-射线衰减系数,在理论上能提高CT成像的对比度。

    Bi with a higher atomic number than iodine is expected to have a higher X-ray absorption coefficient than iodine , and could theoretically cause greater contrast enhancement in CT imaging .

  10. 从有效核电量方面来想一想为什么,这是因为,尽管,Z,原子序数依然在变大,但我们同时也在离原子核越来越远。

    This is because even though z , the atomic number is still increasing , we are also getting further away from the nucleus .

  11. 对于‘{$$n}’标志,n是一个序数,对应于属性的列/属性列表中的第n个列/属性。

    For a ' { $ $ n } 'marker , n is an ordinal number corresponding to the nth column / attribute in the attribute 's list of columns / attributes .

  12. 锑(Sb)位于元素周期表第五周期第VA主族,原子序数为51,是一种天然存在的类金属元素。

    Antimony ( Sb ) which belongs to the group VA in the periodic table is a naturally-occurring metalloid element .

  13. 利用带有针孔的透射式光栅光谱仪研究了激光等离子体X射线辐射的原子序数依赖性和激光功率密度对辐射的影响。

    This paper presents the studies of the dependence of soft X-ray emission on atomic-number and laser intensities by using a new diagnostic tool , pinhole transmission grating spectrograph ( PTGS ) .

  14. 实验结果表明,在5-10MeV的能量范围内,大型集装箱检测系统利用双能X射线技术根据有效原子序数识别材料组是可行的。

    Experimental result shows possibility of usage of LCIS op erating in dual energy mode in 5-10 MeV energy range for recognition of groups of materials according to their effective atomic number .

  15. 在器件的金属化层及封装等结构中,高原子序数材料在低能X射线的辐照下,会在相邻的低原子序数材料中产生剂量增强效应,从而使得器件性能严重退化。

    High atomic number material of device can produce dose-enhancement effects to next low atomic number material in metallized layer and encapsulation structures irradiated with low-energy X ray . So device performance degenerates badly .

  16. 随着镧系原子序数的增加4f轨道对成键的贡献减少。

    The contribution of 4f orbitals lessens with the increase of the atomic number of lanthanides .

  17. 对于ZF1中序数及幂集合分层的研究也取得了一些有意义的结果。

    About ordinals and power-set hierarchy in ZF1 . , we make out some interesting and meaningful results .

  18. 电子射程随着原子序数的减少和入射束能量E0的增加而增加。

    The electron range increases with decreasing atomic number and increasing incident beam energy E0 .

  19. 经过分析得知,在线性范围内采用等值增量法加载,试件上各测点的应变ε与加载序数n成线性关系。

    Through analysis , we know in linear range , that the relation between the strain ε of a point in the specimen and the ordinal number n of loading is linear , under the condition of equal increment loading .

  20. ZFC的模型的上限序数的一个性质

    A Property of Upper Bounded Ordinal of the Model of ZFC

  21. 加权序数偏好下多属性群决策的TOPSIS法一个有良好记忆能力的程序可以降低用户犯错的次数,原因很简单。

    TOPSIS algorithm for multi-attribute group decision-making with weighted ordinal preferences An application with a better memory can reduce the number of errors users make .

  22. 用超薄窗Si(Li)探测器测量低能X射线,将传统的PIXE谱测量范围推广到如Si、Al、Na等低原子序数元素。

    An ultra-thin window Si ( Li ) detector used for measuring low energy X-rays is designed . The PIXE spectrum range has extended to still lower energies of characteristic X-rays originated from St , Al and Na .

  23. 居里温度随稀土金属原子序数的增加而增高,反映了稀土-铁原子间的间接交换作用的影响,Gd(15)B7Fe(78)具有最高的居里温度。

    The curie temperature T_c is found to be increased with increasing atomic number of R , and T_c of Gd_ ( 15 ) B_7Fe_ ( 78 ) is the highest , which shows the effect of R-Fe exchange interaction .

  24. 在运用Borda序数进行评价时,由于Borda序数固有的缺陷,无法完全消除风险节,而且可能出现悖论的情况。

    Due to the defects of Borda , it can not completely eliminate the risk tie , in the use of Borda .

  25. 在立体匹配中实现了三种不同的算法:改进的区域相关性匹配算法、基于边界特征的概率松弛迭代匹配方法、新序数测度法(NewOrdinalMeasure),并对结果的精度进行了分析和比较。

    We implement three different algorithms . In the stereo matching that improved area-based matching , iterated relaxation corresponding algorithm based on edge feature , new ordinal measure . By comparing between them , we obtain the conclusion that the new ordinal measure is the most robust .

  26. 综上,利用Micro-CT实验数据统计对比可以反映出鲤鱼耳石中原子序数大的重金属元素信息。

    To sum up , information on heavy metals with high atomic number in the carp otolith can be reflected by statistical comparison of Micro-CT data .

  27. 关联了CeO2、Pr2O3与Nd2O3的稀土效应与其原子序数的关系,发现丙烯选择性随原子序数增加而提高。

    The relation between the effect of adding rare earth oxides ( CeO_2 , Pr_2O_3 and Nd_2O_3 ) and their atomic number has been correlated . It was discovered that the selectivity of propene increases as the atomic number increases .

  28. 植物种原始生境的水分状况用Ellenberg水分序数定量。

    Moisture status of the species ' habitats was quantified as Ellenberg moisture number .

  29. 银(Ag)是一类重要的金属元素,原子序数为47,呈白色,具有金属光泽,在所有元素中具有最高的电导率,导热率也比任何其它金属都高。

    Silver is metallic chemical element represented by Ag having atomic number 47 . It is white , lustrous transition metal , which has the highest electrical conductivity as compared to any element and the highest thermal conductivity as compared to any metal .

  30. 基于有机物系统命名法的原子序数(gi)及其染色序数(gi′)对分子中非氢原子具有优异的选择性,并能反映其所处的化学环境。

    The atomic ordinal number g I and its colouring number g I ′ based on the systematic nomenclature of organic compound have excellent selectivity for non-hydrogen atom in organic molecules , and mirror its chemical surroundings .