
  • 网络alignment;Sequence Alignment;blast
  1. 基于序列比对的动态Web信息抽取算法研究

    The Research of Dynamic Web Pages Information Extraction Algorithm Based on Sequence Alignment

  2. DNA分类中的遗传算法和多序列比对模型研究

    On the Models of DNA Classification Based on GA and Multiple Sequence Alignment

  3. 生物DNA序列比对算法研究

    Study on Biology DNA Sequence Alignment Algorithm

  4. 基于生物信息学中双DNA序列比对算法的图像立体匹配及其实现

    Novel stereo matching algorithm based on pair-wise DNA alignment algorithm in bioinformatics and its implementation

  5. DNA序列比对分析中的统计特征方法

    DNA Sequences alignment analysis using statistic characteristic

  6. 在这个模型中,探讨了用序列比对进行分类的三个方案:第一个方案,从DNA进化树的角度进行分类。

    In this mode , discussed three methods : The first method from the evolutionary tree .

  7. 关于DNA序列比对算法的简述

    Overview of DNA sequence alignment algorithms

  8. 基于Q学习的生物序列比对方法

    SAQL : A New Approach for Sequence Alignment base on Q-learning

  9. 基于Progressive多序列比对方法的求解多序列比对的启发式算法

    A heuristic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment base on progressive multiple alignment

  10. 在数据量急剧增加的今天,高效的序列比对算法在研究新发现的次序中显DNA得非常重要。

    As the amount of DNA data increases rapidly , efficient sequence comparison algorithms are essential in studying newly discovered sequences .

  11. 进行了32株SARS冠状病毒基因组的多序列比对分析。

    Multi alignment of 32 SARS - Cov genomes is analyzed .

  12. 将得到的30个阳性克隆全部进行测序,并进行BLAST同源序列比对分析。

    The obtained 30 positive clones were all sequenced , and analyzed by BLAST ( basic local alignment search tool ) .

  13. 隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel)用于多序列比对研究是生物信息学研究的新领域,其可以通过训练识别同一特征的蛋白质序列。

    Hidden Markov model used in multiple alignment is a new field of bioinformatics . It can be used to distinguish protein sequence with the same characterstics .

  14. 生物序列比对是对DNA(或RNA,蛋白质)序列,寻找和确定它们的相似部分或稳定区域。

    The key of biological sequence ( DNA , RNA , or Protein ) alignment is to find their similar part or stable region .

  15. 然后将其应用于RNA序列比对,分析不同的参数选择对序列比对结果的影响。

    Next , we apply it to RNA sequence alignments and analyze how the different parameter choices influence the optimal alignment .

  16. 基于工作站机群的PVM系统的序列比对

    Sequence Comparison on a Cluster of Workstations Using the PVM System

  17. 在其多序列比对结果的基础上,对所设计的SARS冠状病毒PCR检测试剂盒的引物进行了分析,证明了该引物在全部20株SARS冠状病毒的PCR检测分析中的适用性。

    A new primer pair in the PCR identification of SARS-Cov is designed , which is suitable to all 20 SARS-Cov identification .

  18. DNA测序结果在Genebank中进行序列比对分析,以明确具体位点的突变。

    The results of DNA sequencing were analysised by sequence alignment in the Genebank to identify the mutations .

  19. 第一种是从分子生物学的角度,进行诸如序列比对、序列聚类分析和微RNA-转录因子-功能基因共进化分析来研究微RNA的起源和进化的问题。

    The first type solves the problems from a molecular perspective using functional shifts comparisons , sequence clustering and miRNA-transcription factor-genes co-evaluation analysis .

  20. 多序列比对是一个NP-Complete问题。

    The problem of multiple sequence alignment is a NP-Complete problem .

  21. 多序列比对问题是NP完全问题,研究快而精确的算法是一个巨大的挑战。

    Sequence alignment is a NP Complete problem and a great challenge to any quick and accurate algorithms .

  22. 它是一个独立的方法,完全避开了基于替换矩阵和空位罚分的序列比对算法由于DNA序列相似度的不同而要选择与之相适应的替换矩阵的问题。

    This is an independent method , which completely avoids the problems of choosing appropriate scoring matrices based upon scoring matrices ' sequence alignments for their different similarities of DNA sequences .

  23. 5个品系罗非鱼热休克蛋白Hsp70基因序列比对分析

    Sequence Comparison of Heat Shock Protein 70 Gene from Five Strains of Tilapia

  24. 基于FFT和k-mer划分的多序列比对

    Multiple Sequence Alignment Based on FFT and k-mer Dividing

  25. 通过本文的研究,作者还提出,在利用DNA序列比对法进行近缘物种的鉴定时,不同种群间的DNA序列变异,可能对结果造成一定的影响。

    Besides , it was pointed out when using the DNA sequences alignment method to identify related species , DNA sequence variations among different populations may influence the result to a certain extent .

  26. 氨基酸序列比对和结构域分析均证实其为目前已知的TOR激酶的同源蛋白。

    The deduced TOR amino acid sequences of F.chinensis was compared with other known sequences and domains .

  27. 传统的序列比对的方法是NP难问题。目前的算法都是以牺牲某种程度的精度为代价,达到可实用的速度。

    However , traditional sequence alignment is an NP hard problem and most algorithms reach practical speed somehow at the expense of precision .

  28. 由于多序列比对问题是一个NP完全问题,如何求解至今仍是生物信息学中的一个难题。

    As a combinatorial optimization problem of NP-completeness , how to solve multiple sequence alignment is still a problem in bioinformatics so far .

  29. 该方法能够很好地满足序列比对需求,且效率高,针对性强。3、研制开发了AFLP生物技术模拟软件。

    This method can well meet the requirements , and comparison of high efficiency and pertinence.3.Developed AFLP biotechnology simulation software .

  30. 序列比对分析发现,该蛋白属于V型P-ATPase家族成员。

    This protein belongs to the V-type P-ATPase family .