
yī cì nénɡ yuán
  • primary energy
  1. 日本电力状况及一次能源利用策略

    Electric Power and Utilization Strategy of Primary Energy in Japan

  2. 若2050年CO2排放控制在21亿t(以碳计),核能、水电以及风能、太阳能、地热能等新能源在一次能源消费构成中的份额需达34.91%。

    If the 2050 CO 2 emission control target is 2.1 Gt ( carbon ), the share of nuclear , hydro , wind , solar and geothermal energy sources in the primary energy consumption mix should be 35 % .

  3. 可再生能源在全球一次能源消耗中只占小部分份额,目前仍主要以化石燃料为依托,据统计,煤炭和石油的使用占30%,天然气占25%。

    Renewables   account   for   only   a   small   share   of   global   primary   energy consumption ,   which   is   still   dominated   by   fossil   fuels — 30 %   each   for   coal   and   oil , 25 %   for   natural gas .

  4. 中国约90%的一次能源(primaryenergy)需求都是由本国提供的。

    About 90 per cent of China 's primary energy needs are supplied locally .

  5. 我国一次能源以煤为主,从而导致了严重的煤烟型大气污染,其中以SO2和NOx为主。

    Actually the primary energy sources is coal-based in china result in the serious coal smoke pollution which mainly to SO_2 and NO_X .

  6. 英国石油(BP)在其最新的能源展望中称,总体来看,到2030年,天然气可能成为与煤炭和石油分庭抗礼的一次能源之一。

    Overall , argues BP in its latest Energy Outlook , by 2030 gas might come to rival coal and oil as a primary energy source .

  7. 对直燃型溴化锂吸收式机组和电动风冷热泵机组在变工况下的一次能源利用率PER作了比较。

    Comparison to the Primary Energy Efficiency Ratio ( PER ) under changed conditions between Direct Fired Absorption Chiller ( DFAC ) and electric driven Air Source Heat Pump Chiller ( ASHP ) is introduced .

  8. 为提高一次能源利用率PER,溴化锂吸收式制冷系统中的热力部件广泛采用真空条件下以水平管束作为承载结构的降膜式热力装置。

    To increase the primary energy ratio ( PER ), vertical array of horizontal tube bundles under vacuum condition , as one kind of falling film thermal-dynamic device , is used widely in the absorption refrigeration system .

  9. 利用导出的燃气发动机驱动热泵装置一次能源利用系数PER的计算公式,分析并指出了供热系数、废热利用率和有效效率对PER的影响以及增大PER的有效途径。

    Derives a formula for calculating the primary energy ratio and the impacts of heating coefficient , waste heat recovery rate and useful thermal efficiency on the primary energy ratio , and effective ways to increase of the ratio .

  10. 采用一次能源利用率PER的概念,对目前广泛应用的空调冷热源直燃型溴化锂吸收式机组和电动风冷热泵机组作了比较。

    The characteristics between two commonly used cooling / heating source-Direct Fired Absorption Chiller ( DFAC ) and electric-driven Air Source Heat Pump Chiller ( ASHP ) are compared by the concepts of Primary Energy Efficiency Ratio ( PER ) .

  11. 我国已成为世界能源生产和消费大国,预测2020年中国一次能源的需求为29亿tce,有可能继续实现能源翻一番,GDP翻两番。

    China is a big energy production and consumption country . It is estimated that , in 2020 , the energy consumption will be up to 2.9 billion tce .

  12. 计算显示,与火力发电比较,一次能源的消费量削减21%,温室气体CO2排放量削减27%,大气污染物质NOx排放量削减66%。

    Compared with fuel power generation , the consumption of primary energy is reduced by 21 % , the emission amount of CO_2 is reduced by 27 % , and NO_x by 66 % .

  13. 另外,VAR模型结果显示,在山西省能源开发与产业的耦合系统中,产业系统与能源消费量、能源总产出和一次能源转化比例均存在格兰杰因果关系。

    In addition , VAR model results show that besides the sum of energy consumption , the energy product output and the rate of further process of coal also have Granger causality with industry development .

  14. 冷热电联产(CCHP)技术可提高一次能源的利用率,降低环境污染。

    The technology of combined cold , heat and power ( CCHP ) could improve primary energy utilization efficiency , and reduce environmental pollution .

  15. 阐述了燃气机驱动的以CO2为工质的跨临界循环热泵系统的原理,计算了总有效温室效应评价指标和一次能源利用率,进行了技术经济分析。

    The principle of gas engine-driven transcritical cycle heat pump system with CO_2 as working medium is elaborated . The evaluation index of total equivalent warming impact and the primary energy utilization ratio are calculated , and the techno-economic analysis is made .

  16. 电力工业实现将一次能源向二次能源高效转换,为社会生产了洁净、高效、传输方便的电能,但同时必然消耗了大量的化石燃料,并生产了大量SO2等大气污染物。

    The electricity industry converts primary energy to the secondary energy and provides clean , high efficiency and convenient transfer power for the society , but consumes a lot of fossil fuels and produces a great deal of SO2 and other atmospheric pollutants .

  17. 煤是我国一次能源的主体,燃煤排放的CO2占我国CO2排放量的70%以上,开发具有碳捕集的新型燃煤技术是实现大规模碳减排的根本途径。

    Coal is the principal part of the primary energy in China . Morn than 70 % of the CO2 emission in China came from burning coal . The ultimate way which could largely reduce the carbon emission is to develop new coal combust technologies with carbon capture ability .

  18. 据国际能源机构(IEA)的预测,到2020年,石油在一次能源消费结构中的比重仍将高达36%&40%,明显高于煤炭和其他能源的比重。

    According to the forecasts by IEA , the ratio of oil in the primary energy consumption still reaches as high as 36 % to 40 % , significantly higher than that of coal and other energy resources .

  19. 煤炭是我国分布最广、储量和消费最多的一次能源,解决燃煤污染问题,特别是降低SO2的排放,已成为我国可持续发展所面临的重要问题。

    Coal is a primary energy resource of the widest distribution , richest reserves and largest consumption in China . It has become an important issue for sustainable development to solve the pollution problems caused by coal combustion , especially to reduce sulfur dioxide emission .

  20. 煤炭是我国主要一次能源,80%左右用于燃烧发电和供热,所排放的粉尘、S02(硫)和NOx(硝)是我国大气污染的最大源头。

    Coal is the primary energy in China , mainly for power generation and heating . Emission of dust , SO2 and NOx due to coal combustion is the largest source of air pollution .

  21. 小型多联产总能系统即楼宇冷热电联产(BCHP)系统能够实现对一次能源合理的梯级利用,正是合理利用天然气资源的最佳途径和最有效手段。

    The Building Cooling Heating and Power Generation ( BCHP ) system can realize not only the most reasonable usage to the primary energy but also the best path and the most valid means to make use of the natural gas resources .

  22. 全球经济的快速发展带动了能源消耗量的快速增加,煤炭、石油、天然气等一次能源的消费量逐年递增带动了C02排放量也不断上升。

    The rapid development of the global economy caused a rapid increase in energy consumption . Coal , oil , natural gas and other primary energy consumption has increased year by year , which led to the constantly rise of carbon dioxide emissions .

  23. 然后利用该软件分别模拟了原有空调系统和热回收系统的运行能耗,结果表明该系统每年可降低一次能源消耗30.4tce、减少二氧化碳排放74.14t、回收热量90.6tce,具有较好的环保效益。

    Then , this software was used to simulate energy consumption of the original and the heat recovery system , results showed that heat recovery system could reduce annual primary energy consumption 30.4 tce and CO2 emission 74.14t , and recover waste heat up to 90.6 tce .

  24. 中国西部地区一次能源供应时空格局变化及其影响

    Time-spatial Coordination of Energy Supply and Its Effects in West China

  25. 世界一次能源替代的系统动力学模型

    Dynamic models of substitution systems of primary energy in the world

  26. 我国是一次能源以煤为主的国家。

    In China , coal is taken as the key primary energy .

  27. 一次能源和电的价格取为常数,作为计价的标准;

    The price of primitive energy and power are constants ;

  28. 燃气机热泵一次能源利用率的分析

    Analysis of Primary Energy Ratio for Gas Engine-driven Heat Pump

  29. 指出燃气热泵系统在提高一次能源利用率、减少环境污染方面的优势。

    Isolated energy-supply system based on hybrid power gas engine-driven heat pump ;

  30. 燃气机热泵系统不同联供运行模式一次能源利用率的分析

    PER of gas engine-driven heat pump systems at different combined supply energy modes