
  1. 他们把我带到放映室去看一张图。

    They took me into a projection room to see a picture .

  2. Flex将把SOAP响应反序列化为ActionScript对象的一张图。

    Flex will deserialize the SOAP response into a graph of ActionScript objects .

  3. 他证明了它可以被表达,这是1994年science文章里的一张图,在这大肠杆菌里,它有绿色的萤光。

    And what he could show was that it could be expressed , this is a picture from his1994 science paper , in that e coli , and it is going to fluoresce green .

  4. 在同一张图的不同用户注册中心示例中,John可以使用其用户名和密码以操作员身份登录到作业管理器。

    In the different user registries example in the same figure , John can login to job manager as an operator with his user name and password .

  5. 他为远足的路线画了一张图。

    He makes a plot of the route of the hike .

  6. 我要用它来画一张图。

    I was going to use this to make a map .

  7. 最后一张图展现的是保留在羽毛化石中的颜色。

    The final picture shows pigmentation preserved in a fossil feather .

  8. 你是不会高兴看到这样一张图的。

    You don 't want her giving you a picture like this .

  9. 迪安·科索:最后一张图呢?我想要!

    DeanCorso : Where 's the last engraving ? I want it !

  10. 我们看的是同一张图吗?

    Are we all looking at the same thing ?

  11. 画一张图关于你想在春天做的事。

    Draw a picture of something you like to do in the spring .

  12. 接着他画了一张图,上面天空的颜色是绿色的。

    He then proceeded to draw a picture and color the sky green .

  13. 他画了一张图来解释他的理论。

    He draw a diagram to explain his theory .

  14. 我画了一张图,并且发给你。

    I drew a picture and send to you .

  15. 这里有一张图按照时序列出了他所学到的词汇

    this is a map of every word he learned in chronological order .

  16. 这只是为了练习摆姿势的一张图。

    This was mostly for the pose practice .

  17. 犯罪和专利都放在一张图上

    crime and patents all on one graph .

  18. 下面一张图将告诉你缓存应该如何按照阶段和功能来被划分使用的。

    Now let 's see how that cache is divided up geographically and functionally .

  19. 为你第二天的选择画一张图。

    Chart your choices for a second day .

  20. 在这张卡片上画一张图。

    Draw a picture on the card .

  21. 低保真原型只是一张图或是系统的一个简单模型。

    A Lo-fi prototype is simply a picture or a simple model of the system .

  22. 现在他能够绘制一张图。

    Now he can construct a diagram .

  23. 人们常说,一千字才道得尽一张图。

    It has often been said throughout time that a picture is worth a thousand words .

  24. 结合云南省“一张图”管矿工作,对矿产资源核心数据整合及其入库数据规范化进行研究。

    This paper researches the mineral resources'core data conformity and its standardization of importing data into library .

  25. 我将通过一张图来帮助我说明模型的外观。

    I like to start with a picture to help me visualize how the model will look .

  26. 好了,到我们最后一张图了。看,他们争吵起来了。

    Ok , the last one , Look at the last picture , and they were quarrelling .

  27. 我做了一张图。

    I drew a picture .

  28. 获得所有这些数据,综合起来,你就得到这样的一张图。

    Take all of that data , combine it , and this map is what you get .

  29. 我已经拼出了一张图,通过信用卡账单、收据等票据提供的信息。

    I 've managed to piece together a picture using scraps of information-credit card bills , receipts .

  30. 在下面的文字中,扩展功能集合会由这样一张图表示。

    In the text below , the extended set of functions will be represented by such a graph .