
yī nián shēnɡ zhí wù
  • annual plant/annual;annual
  1. 这种植物是耐寒的一年生植物。

    The kind of plant is a hardy annual .

  2. 玉米是一年生植物之一。

    Corn is one of an annual .

  3. 这种植物叫annual(一年生植物),想想annualreport(年度报告),就是一年只出版一次的报告。

    This kind of plant is called an annual . Think of an " annual report , " a report published just once a year .

  4. 结果表明,耐寒性差、生长期短的一年生植物微孔草MDA含量较低,保护酶活力也较低。

    The results showed that MDA content was lower in annual grass , also several antioxidant enzyme activities were lower .

  5. 第一个问题:只生长一年或一个季节的植物叫什么呢?这种植物叫做一年生植物(annual)。

    First question : What do we call a plant that lives only one year or one growing season ? That kind of plant is called an annual .

  6. 雀稗属(Paspalum)为禾本科黍亚科多年生或一年生植物,是黍亚科内最有经济价值的类群之一。

    Genus Paspalum , a perennial or annual grass of Gramineae , is one of the with great economic value groups .

  7. 在Raunkiaer生活型谱中,3个植被恢复区均以一年生植物的比例最大。

    In the spectrum of life form of Raunkiaer , the annual plant has the most proportion in al three vegetative restoration areas .

  8. 一年生植物群落内取样效应和互补效应的分离

    Separating sampling effect from complementary effect in the annual plant communities

  9. 阿拉善荒漠区一年生植物层片物种多样性及其分布特征

    Specific diversity and distribution characteristics of annual synusia in Alashan desert

  10. 旧大陆一个一年生植物小属,杂草状,匍匐;线球草。

    Small genus of Old World weedy prostrate annuals : knawel .

  11. 生活型分析表明一年生植物占优势。

    By the life type analysis , the annual plant gain advantage .

  12. 干旱半干旱荒漠地区一年生植物研究综述

    Annual plant species in arid and semi-arid desert regions : A review

  13. 亚洲热带地区一年生植物,引种于美国。

    An annual of tropical Asia naturalized in United States .

  14. 一年生植物例句职员一年可享受十五天带薪的假期。

    Employees are entitled to an annual paid leave of fifteen days .

  15. 温带半干旱地区一年生植物种子的萌发特性

    Seed germination characteristics of annual species in temperate semi-arid region

  16. 改性脲醛树脂及其一年生植物纤维复合板

    Modified urea resin and its composite plates reinforced with annual plant fiber

  17. 应用细胞自动机对一年生植物种群扩散进行理论研究

    The Application of Cellular Automata to study Theoretically Annual Plant Population Dispersal

  18. 一年生植物,夜间开芬芳的金黄色花。

    Annual grown especially for its fragrant golden nocturnal flowers .

  19. 荒漠一年生植物小画眉草的种群动态调节与模拟

    Population regulation and dynamical simulation of annual plant Eragrostis poaeoides in desert region

  20. 北美的一种一年生植物,花红色或玫瑰红色。

    North American annual with red or rose-colored flowers .

  21. 河西走廊荒漠区一年生植物组成及其分布特征

    Composition and distribution characteristics of annual plant in desert area in Hexi Corridor

  22. 荒漠区一年生植物层片的组织格局与生态适应模式

    The Organization Patterns and Ecological Adaptive Modes of Annual Plant Synusia in Desert Regions

  23. 人工固沙区一年生植物小画眉草的竞争调节

    Competitive Regulation of Annual Plant Eragrostis poaeoides in Planted Vegetation for Fixing Sand Dunes

  24. 一年生植物纤维复合板材的吸湿性

    The hygroscopicity of annual plant fibre composite plates

  25. 一种一年生植物,具有深绿色的鸟足状叶子和低垂的茶碟状绿色花。

    Deciduous plant with large deep green pedate leaves and nodding saucer-shaped green flowers .

  26. 在那些日子里,男孩子们种下了无害的一年生植物,赫塞尔廷则种了一片收成极好的农作物。

    In those days boys sowed innocent annuals and Heseltine grew a super crop .

  27. 我的园子里长满了一年生植物。

    My garden is filled with annual plants .

  28. 通常说来,对一年生植物施用磷肥是相当有效的。

    Annuals , as a general rule , are very responsive to phosphorus fertilization .

  29. 加利福尼亚的一年生植物,有黄色的边花,靠近其基部有红褐色斑点。

    California annual having red-brown spots near the base of its yellow flower rays .

  30. 一年生植物作为石膏刨花板原料的适应性

    Suitability of annual plants for gypsum-bonded particleboards