
shòu fěn
  • pollination;fertilization
授粉 [shòu fěn]
  • [pollination] 雄蕊的花粉传给雌蕊柱头

授粉[shòu fěn]
  1. 雌蕊子房壁在授粉后4~5天破裂。

    Ovary wall ruptured 4 ~ 5 days after fertilization .

  2. 自花授粉作物杂交育种组合潜势的预测和比较

    Predicting and Comparing the Potential of Recombinant Inbreds Obtained from Crosses in Self Fertilization Crop

  3. 某些物种只能异花授粉。

    Certain varieties cannot be fertilised with their own pollen .

  4. 需要很多种土生昆虫给当地植物授粉。

    Many of the indigenous insects are needed to pollinate the local plants .

  5. 然后,这些植物就被授粉,从而成熟结籽。

    These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed .

  6. 颈卵器的早期发育在授粉后两周内就业已明显。

    Early archegonial development is already evident two weeks after pollination .

  7. 只有少数林木可以从未授粉的胚珠发育成有活力的种子。

    Only a few forest tree species can develop viable seed from unpollinated ovules .

  8. 蜜蜂给花授粉。

    Bees pollinate the flowers .

  9. 没有得到充足的授粉,谷物的长势就会受阻。

    Without sufficient pollination , the growth of the corn is stunted .

  10. 这些花通过昆虫授粉。

    The flowers get pollination by insects .

  11. 它既是植物的授粉者,也是扮演食物链的关键角色。

    The insects play a vital role in pollination5 and as a food source for birds .

  12. 16天后,幼果开始形成,其速度与人工授粉的树木不相上下。

    Sixteen days later , young fruits started to form at a similar rate to trees pollinated by hand .

  13. 由于全世界蜜蜂数量的减少,科学家们一直在寻找给作物授粉的替代方法。深受儿童和许多成年人的喜爱,肥皂泡似乎不是给果蔬授粉的最有力的载体。

    Beloved by children and many adults , soap bubbles would hardly seem to be the most robust1 vehicle for pollinating fruit and vegetables .

  14. 飞蛾的运输网络不仅比日间传粉昆虫的网络更大、更复杂,而且还能帮助蜜蜂和蝴蝶很少光顾的物种进行授粉。

    Not only are their distribution networks larger and more complex than daytime pollinators , the moths help pollinate species rarely visited by bees and butterflies .

  15. 虽然科学家们一致认为自然传粉是给果蔬授粉的最佳方法,但这个日本的研究小组认为,配有肥皂泡喷洒器的无人机将来可能会减轻勤劳工作的蜜蜂的压力。

    While scientists agree that natural pollination is the best method of fertilising fruit and veg , the Japanese team believe that drones armed with soap bubble sprayers could , in future , take some of the strain from hardworking bees .

  16. Northern杂交分析显示出在授粉后的小麦种子中检测到WaxymRNA。

    Northern hybridization showed that Waxy mRNA accumulated in seeds following pollination .

  17. 双果、纸皮自花授粉后分别出现与消失的蛋白质H~O、蛋白质f~o;

    Protein H ~ O , protein f ~ o appears and disappears respectively after self-pollination .

  18. 农作物遗传操纵新技术&授粉后外源DNA(基因)导入植物的生物工程育种技术

    A New Biotechnique for Genetic Manipulation of Crops ── Introduction of Exogenous DNA ( Gene ) into Plant after Pollination

  19. 授粉受精状况与苹果子房发育和Ca,Mg,K水平的关系

    The Pollination and Fertilization in Relation to Development and Ca , Mg , K Levels of Apple Ovaries

  20. 授粉后18~21h,精子和卵细胞开始融合,24h后形成一个核仁的受精卵;

    The egg cell was fertilized in 24 hours after pollination .

  21. 多年以来,Java语言和Python阵营之间一直存在大量的异花授粉现象。

    There has been a good deal of cross pollination between the Java language and Python camps over the years .

  22. 盾片和胚芽鞘在授粉后3d的幼胚上同时出现,两者均直接由原胚分化,并非胚芽鞘从盾片发生。

    In the young embryo at 3 DAP the scutellum and coleoptile appeared simultaneously directly from the proembryo . The coleoptile did not originate from the scutellum .

  23. Put、Spd和Spm的浓度在授粉后14天到30天持续增长。

    Concentrations of Put , Spd and Spm increased from 14 to 30 days after pollination ( DAP ) .

  24. 结果表明,甘蓝自花授粉和异花授粉后3min时,蛋白质磷酸化活性有显著差别。

    The results showed that the activity of protein kinase was significantly different after 3 min between self-pollination and cross - pollination .

  25. UV-B增加对玉米花粉抗氧化能力及授粉后籽粒发育的影响

    Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Pollen Anti-oxidative Capacity and Post-pollination Kernel Development of Maize

  26. 但授粉15天后添加的GA3及ABA,其对籽粒发育的效果均表现出与前期相反的趋势。

    The effects of adding GA3 and ABA after 15 days of pollination on kernel development are versus to that before .

  27. 采用花粉管通道法,在受体哈师5号授粉后,将经过辐照处理的供体DNA整体导入到哈师5号中,并对所得后代不断进行筛选和研究。

    With the pollen-tube pathway , the exogenous DNA that had been treated with radiation was introduced into Hashi 5 after its pollination and its descendants were selected and researched unceasingly .

  28. 授粉后2h,蕾期授粉的对照已经完成大孢子的第三次有丝分裂;

    Two hours after pollination , the third mitosis of megaspore completes in CK of BP ;

  29. 带有Ga基因的玉米,可使其它材料授粉结实,而其它玉米的花粉却不能使它正常结实,除非带有相同的显性基因;

    A carrier of Ga gene can pollinate any other corn , but can be only pollinated by a carrier of the same dominant allele .

  30. 纸皮、双果自花授粉后分别产生的蛋白质d、蛋白质G,其含量达到最大值时间越早预示着不亲和性越强。

    " Zhipi " and " Shuang guo " distinguishes protein d , G after self-pollination . The earlier their content reach the maxium , the stronger of the incompatibility are .