
The study of Shou Shi Li by ancient Korean scholars
It would be used for the next 364 years .
Why Was There So Little Foreign Influence on the Season-Granting System ?
On the basis of his observation and research , Guo Shoujing made the u Imperial Calendar .
There he formulated the Shoushi calendar and calculated the year to be 365 . 2425 days .
Soon after its compilation , the Shoushi Calendar was Spread to and adopted by Japan and Korea .
The reason why the calendar was used for such a long time has much to do with its accuracy in calculation .
Scientific achievements and uThe Official Calendar ^ by Guo Shoujing : It had its development in science and technology in the Yuan Dynasty .
As an advanced and accurate calendar in the history of China , the Shoushi Calendar also occupies a distinct posi-tion in the history of world astronomy .
In addition , instead of the mathematical method of recording astronomical documents via complicated fractions , the calendar employed decimal fractions , which largely reduced calculation workload and guaranteed accuracy .
In recent years , astronomers from Japan , European and North American countries are again showing interests in ahe Shoushi Calendar , and some broad and in-depth researches have been made .
It also made innovations in terms of calculation methods ; for instance , the use of mathematical approaches like cubic interpolation , polynomial equations to the 4th order and spherical trigonometry .
This paper tries to elaborate on Qian 's achievements in his study of the Shoushi Calendar from its historical inevitability of emergence , its brilliant merits and its profound basis in China 's national culture .
Shoushi Calendar , the most outstanding calendar in ancient China , was compiled by Guo Shoujing , a prominent scientist in the Yuan Dynasty , and his colleagues . Enforced in 1281 , throughout the Ming Dynasty and the begin-nin4 of the Qinq Dynasty , the calendar was used for over 360 years .
The Imperial Calendar 11 took 365 . 2425 days as a year and which only missed 26 seconds compared with the real time needed that the sun goes around the earth once . It is same to the Geliego Calendar in use today , but it was three hundred years earlier than the Geliego Calendar .