
shòu quán zī běn zhì
  • authorized capital system
  1. 用授权资本制取代法定资本制;

    To substitute the Authorized Capital System for the Legal Capital System ;

  2. 授权资本制偏重效率,法定资本制偏向安全。

    The authorized capital system stresses the efficiency and legal capital system stresses security .

  3. 这三种制度分别是授权资本制、法定资本制以及折衷的授权资本制或认可资本制。

    They are statutory capital system , authorized capital system and eclectic capital system .

  4. 授权资本制下资金到位之监管

    Funding Supervision under the System of Authorized Capital

  5. 因此,宜对其加以完善而不是以授权资本制或折衷资本制取而代之。

    Therefore , it ought to perfect it but not replace authorized capital system or eclectic capital system .

  6. 以中美制度分析为基础看公司资本制度模式选择,中国应采取折衷授权资本制。

    China 's choice of the corporation capital mode based on the analysis of the Sino-American system should be compromised capital system .

  7. 我国《公司法》采法定资本制,而外资法采授权资本制。

    The capital system stipulated in our company law is paid-up capital system , but in corporations with foreign investment law is subscription capital system .

  8. 且就法定资本制、授权资本制和折中资本制进行了理论和实践上的比较研究。

    And on the legal capital system , the capital authorized capital system and compromise the system was in theory and practice of comparative study .

  9. 英美法系的授权资本制是可转换公司债券产生与发展的制度性基础,授权资本制为可转换公司债券的畅通无阻提供了制度性保障。

    An analysis of the relationship between corporate capital system and convertible bonds reveals authorized capital system is fit to the issue of the convertible bonds .

  10. 因其固有缺点所决定,授权资本制引发了诸多外商投资企业出资不到位的问题。

    Restricted by its own disadvantages , the authorized capital system often leads to such problem : investment of foreign investors sometimes cannot be in place .

  11. 对于如何克服这些制约因素提出建议,认为中国的公司立法最终应采用授权资本制。

    Suggestions are proposed on how to overcome these restrictions , and it is believed that the company legislation in China should finally adopt authorized capital system .

  12. 与公司法之法定资本制不同,我国现行外商投资企业法对外商投资企业规定的是授权资本制。

    Different from capital system of Enterprises Law , according to current enterprises law of foreign investment , that of enterprises with foreign investment is authorized capital system .

  13. 根据各国对安全与效率两个价值取向的不同偏好,公司资本制度分为三种模式:注重安全的法定资本制、偏重效率的授权资本制和介于二者之间的折衷资本制。

    Due to different value preference , corporate capital system can be classified into three types : statutory capital system , authorized capital system and eclectic capital system .

  14. 笔者认为,折衷授权资本制为可转换公司债券在大陆法系国家的发行提供了合理的法律基础。

    The writer makes an active appraisement & analysis for fabrication of compromise authorization of capital , which has been adopted by civil law country for convertible bond issuing .

  15. 美国为授权资本制的典型国家,中国实行法定资本制有其特殊的背景。

    In point of corporate capital mode , USA is the typical state carrying out statutory capital system , while China 's authorized capital system depends on its peculiar background .

  16. 该说以法定资本制和授权资本制为基础,主张实行法定资本制的公司瑕疵股权转让无效,实行授权资本制的公司瑕疵股权转让有效。

    The base of this theory is the legal capital system and the authority capital system . it announce the defection of current company capital system and how to perfect it .

  17. 我国《公司法》的修订应当采用折衷授权资本制,使更多的经济体能够积极有效地参与到全球化经济竞争之中。

    Our new Corporation Law should adopt the eclectic authorized capital system in order to let more and more economies participate in the competition willingly and efficiently in the trend of globalization .

  18. 上市公司的资本制度与一般公司的资本制度区别不大,各国有不同的规定,包括法定资本制、授权资本制、认许资本制和折中的授权资本制等类型。

    The listed company 's capital system and the general company isn 't distinguished very mach , including legal capital system , authorized capital system , compromise authorized capital system and so on .

  19. 以授权资本制为核心,同时辅之以公司法人格否认制度和深石原则,可以强化公司信用的物质基础。

    The material bases of company credits can be reinforced by focusing on company capital with the aid of the system to rule against the juridical person of a company or to deepen the management of a company .

  20. 基于社会现实的需要,并为了与国际公司立法的发展趋势相适应,我国公司资本制度应改用认可资本制或折衷的授权资本制;

    According to the need of social reality and for accommodating to the developing trend of the international company legislation , company capital system of our country should adopt recognized capital system or eclectic accredited capital system instead ;

  21. 这一规定,体现了近些年我国公司资本制度的变化与发展,也反映了非货币出资立法理念的转变,即由法定资本制向授权资本制转变。

    This regulation , reflected in our company capital system changes and development , also reflects the transformation of the non-monetary properties of capital legislation idea of currency . From the legal capital system to the authorized capital system transformation .

  22. 而且,信用机制和法律环境等影响授权资本制或者折衷资本制发挥优势作用的制约因素在我国并不完备,并且这种状况的改善尚需时日。

    Moreover , such factors as credit mechanism and legal environment , which may constrain advantages of authorized capital system or eclectic capital system , are still imperfect at present in China , and this can not be improved within a short term .

  23. 在减资的概念上,本文从三大资本制度出发,分别讨论法定资本制、授权资本制和折衷资本制度下公司减资的概念。

    On the concept of the capital reduction , this article starting from the three major capital systems , the concept of capital reduction must be interpreted in different models of capital systems which are legal capital system , authorized capital system and compromise capital system .

  24. 法定资本制可以保证公司资本的真实可靠,防止公司设立中的欺诈、投机行为,保护公司债权人的合法利益,而授权资本制可以最大限度的发挥资金的利用效率。

    Statutory capital system can guarantee accuracy and reliability of corporate capital , to prevent the fraud and speculation during the setting up of company , to protect the legitimate interests of creditors of the company , while authorized capital system can maximize the efficient use of funds .