
jì shù rù ɡǔ
  • technology invested as capital stock
  1. 试论技术入股股东的权利、义务与法律责任

    Rights and Duties of a Shareholder with Technology Contributed for Capital

  2. 民营科技型企业是民营经济的重要组成部分。从产权形式上看,有四种主要类型:创业人员以技术入股带动的私营科技企业;

    Private technological enterprises are an important part in private economy .

  3. 技术入股合作创新的市场均衡模型及其管理含义

    Market-Equilibrium Model of Technology-Stock Based Cooperation Innovation and Its Management Implications

  4. 外商投资能否以技术入股?

    Can foreign invested enterprises become shareholders by means of technology ?

  5. 技术入股的效率及推进技术股份化的对策建议

    The Efficiency of Technology Investment and Suggestions of the Capitalization of Technical Achievements

  6. 试析技术入股的法律缺陷

    Analysis of the Legal Defects of Admission of Technology

  7. 技术入股实务与法律研究。

    Study on the practice and law of buying a share by technique ii .

  8. 基于实物期权的专利权技术入股比例研究

    The Weight of the Portion of the Patent Technology Share in Terms of Real Options

  9. 这为技术入股型公司的法律制订和管理实践提供了参考。

    It affords law-making and management practices for a corporation with technology as its capital contribution .

  10. 同时,实践中的技术入股型公司治理问题也日益凸显。

    The actual problems of governance of a corporation with technology as its capital contribution are emerging .

  11. 现有文献没有具体的技术入股型公司管理制度。

    Literature now available lacks concrete design of system on a corporation with technology as its capital contribution .

  12. 这为技术入股型公司经营组织的制度设计提供了理论依据。3.技术入股型公司的监督检查。

    It affords theoretical foundation for institutional designs of organizational structure of a corporation with technology as its capital contribution . 3 .

  13. 正是这种差异使得技术入股所涉及的法律关系比其他资产入股更为复杂,法律原则和权利义务出现了许多新的特点。

    Such difference makes the legal relationship of technology investment more complex and causes many new features on related legal principles , rights and obligations .

  14. 本文主要的研究内容与成果如下:1.技术入股型公司的股权关系。

    The main content and achievements of dissertation are as follows . 1 . The relationship to stock equity of a corporation with technology as its capital contribution .

  15. 技术入股型产学研合作创新的道德风险分析清华大学的技术转移

    Analysis on the Moral Risk in Cooperative Innovation through Technology Share among Industry , Colleges and R & D Institutes A Study on Technology Transfer at Tsinghua University

  16. 武汉市科技中介机构的股份制改造在探索投资主体多元化,建立股权激励机制,管理、技术入股、孵化企业方面进行了大胆实践。

    Technology organizations of Wuhan are exploring shareholding system reformation from some aspects including attracting different investor , establishing shareholding system , management and technology incubating enterprise qua shareholding .

  17. 分析了本文的论点:企业的技术入股可行,技术资本投入可以改变企业的内部治理结构,并对其具有优化作用。

    Analysis of the argument of this paper : enterprise technology investment feasibility , technical capital investment can change the internal corporate governance structure , and its role with optimization .

  18. 技术入股的科学家可以分利润;如果产品出口,可以分外汇所获利润能汇寄自己国内吗?

    Scientists who contribute their technology to become shareholders can get their dividends , or shares of foreign exchange , if products are sold abroad Can we remit our profits home ?

  19. 目前我国的法律法规中关于技术入股的规定与经济发展的实践有许多脱节和不和谐之处,导致在实际生活中由于技术入股而引起的纠纷日益增多。

    At the present time , the Chinese laws and regulations concerning technology investment cannot match the practice of economic development , which leads to more and more disputes in technology investment operation .

  20. 还分析了不同的要素资本所有者对公司的治理,并进行相互比较,以及我国技术入股的现状。

    Also analyzed the different elements of the owners of capital of company governance , and were compared with each other , as well as our country the technology becomes a shareholder status .

  21. 本文通过技术入股型公司股权的形成和结构的研究,认为技术股权表征技术入股型公司股权。

    After researching formation and structure of stock equity of a corporation with technology as its capital contribution , the dissertation holds that technological stock equity features a corporation with technology as its capital contribution .

  22. 但是,作为一种特殊的出资方式,技术入股与货币等其他形式的资产出资入股有着明显的差异。

    However , technology shares as a special form of contribution , the assets ( such as physical , fixed assets , etc. ) and monetary or other forms of investment shares and there are significant differences .

  23. 本文关于明晰产权关系、科技成果转化、技术入股与量化等实践研究体现了中物院高新技术企业发展特色。

    The practical researches on clarification of property and rights relation , application of scientific research results , adoption of technology as shares and its quantification reflects the characteristics of the new and high tech enterprises in CAEP .

  24. 本文通过22家技术入股型公司的相关数据的实证研究和理论分析,认为技术入股股东的股权与经营管理权通常合一。

    After researching the data collected through 22 corporations with technology as its capital contribution , the dissertation advocates the usual integration of the rights of shareholders with technology contributed for capital and the rights of operation and management .

  25. 技术入股型公司的股权结构由物质股权和技术股权构成,它们结合的法律基础在于人合。

    The structure of stock equity on a corporation with technology as its capital contribution consists of material stock equity and technological stock equity . They are united because a corporation with technology as its capital contribution is a personal corporation .

  26. 在技术入股型公司的经营组织制度设计中,技术入股型公司应该根据自身特点在经营管理中设置技术管理者职位;技术入股股东行使经营管理权利大于弊。

    A corporation with technology as its capital contribution should set up the position as a technical manager in its operation and management . A shareholder with technology contributed for capital controls the rights of operation and management , which has the advantages of disadvantages .

  27. 技术成果入股问题研究

    On the Problem of Technique Shares

  28. 该文分析了技术成果入股制度安排的必要性、程序及其相关问题。

    This paper analyzes the necessity , procedure and other related problems of technique share arrangement .

  29. 中小型企业创业时期技术成果入股及相关问题研究短信移动商务技术在中小企业信息化中的应用

    Application of the mobile - business technology based on SMS in small and medium - sized enterprises ' informationization

  30. 技术出资入股的构成条件,包括技术的现存性、技术的确定性、技术的可独立转让性、技术的收益性、技术的合法性和技术的可评估性。

    Requisites for technology to be a shareholder consist of the character of its existence , certainty , independent transferability , profit , lawfulness and assessment .