
  1. 技术指标分析法,根据统计学中分析方法,考察技术指标间的统计性质,构建模型预测股票未来走势的分析方法。

    The math index analysis based on statistical analysis methods to study the statistical properties . And build a model to forecast future stock trend .

  2. 运用技术经济指标价值法优化设计方案

    Using method of technology economy guidline value to improve designing schema

  3. 引入多元相关分析及熵技术多指标分析法,使人才效益评价由定性分析进入量化分析。

    Using multivariate correlation analysis method and multiple index analysis of entropy technology , we turn the qualitative analysis of personnel benefit evaluation into quantitative analysis .

  4. 本文在总结和分析了传统的操作风险度量技术:基础指标法、损失分布法、极值理论模型的基础上,提出运用贝叶斯网络模型来度量保险公司操作风险的优点。

    This paper summarizes and analyzes the traditional operational risk measurement techniques : basic indicator approach , the loss distribution method , extreme value theory model is proposed based on Bayesian network model used to measure the benefits of operational risk insurance .

  5. 在设计过程中采用系统的绩效考核技术&关键绩效指标法(KPI),建立考核指标体系。

    During the design , the paper uses Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) , a systematic performance appraisal skill , to set up appraisal indicators system .

  6. 高压法酱醅色的多项技术指标都高于常压法酱醅色。

    Furthermore , the technique indexes were higher than when the soy paste was produced by atmospheric-pressure method .