
jì shù zī xún
  • technical advice;technical consulting;technology consultancy
  1. HYT企业集团是一家电力三产企业集团,以电力工程设计、施工及技术咨询为主营业务,辅以发展相关多元化业务。

    HYT Group is an electric power industry enterprise group , taking the electric power engineering design , construction and technical advice as main business , complementary with development business related diversification .

  2. 钢压延加工及技术咨询;

    Steel rolling processing and technical advice ;

  3. 技术咨询公司CCSInsight的手机市场分析师本伍德(BenWood)同意该观点。

    Mobile phone industry analyst Ben Wood of tech consultancy CCS Insight agrees .

  4. 月内;C.分项三的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    C. Technical service report on Item 3 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  5. 月内;B.分项二的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    B. Technical service report on Item 2 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  6. 月内;D.分项四的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________月内。

    and D. Technical service report on Item 4 : ________ months after effectiveness of the Contract .

  7. 旅行技术咨询公司总裁诺姆·罗斯(NormRose)说,技术发展快于公司政策改变这种局势让商旅者成为大赢家。

    Norm Rose , the president of Travel Tech Consulting , said travelers were the big winners as technology moved faster than corporate policies .

  8. 我公司同时还可提供SCR脱硝催化剂生产工艺的整厂技术咨询服务。

    Our company also can provide the whole factory technology consultation services of SCR denitrification catalyst production technology .

  9. 利用PowerBuilder开发露天矿技术咨询子系统

    Developing Technical Consultation Subsystem with PowerBuilder

  10. 技术咨询员林信行称,索尼还在努力赶超竞争对手,尤其是iPad。

    Sony is still struggling to catch up , says technology consultant Nobuyuki Hayashi , especially with the iPad .

  11. B.无法使技术咨询报告达到合同附件一规定的最低验收标准。

    or B. Fails to make the technical service reports meet the minimum level of Acceptance Standards as specified in Appendix 1 .

  12. 随着我国加入WTO,作为整个技术咨询服务业一部分的监理行业,也正全面开放市场并面临挑战。

    After China participated into WTO , supervision of construction , as one of overall technical consultation and service industries , is opening the whole Chinese market to foreign countries and regions ;

  13. 技术咨询公司CBInsights对欧洲专利数据库进行追踪后发现,与中国相比,美国去年申请的此类专利仅为96项。

    According to CB Insights , which tracked patents on the Espacenet database , China 's patent filings compare with just 96 in the US .

  14. 这个项目包括英国国际发展部(DFID)资助技术咨询子项目中与捐助机构的合作。

    The project entails cooperation with donors for the DfID-financed technical advisory component .

  15. 技术咨询公司埃森哲(accenture)有两位客户的经历就说明了第一点。

    The first point is illustrated by the experience of two clients of Accenture , the technology consultancy .

  16. 技术咨询公司BDAChinaLtd。的分析师刘斌说,在3月份召开的全国人大会议上,可能会对电信业的重组进行讨论。

    Liu Bin , an analyst at technology consultant BDA China Ltd. , says the changes might be discussed during the annual session of China 's legislature , the National People 's Congress , in March .

  17. 技术咨询公司CCSInsight的分析师本•伍德(BenWood)认为,智能手表蕴含着巨大的潜力。但他表示,现阶段而言,普通人还很难实现联网家居。

    Ben Wood , analyst at tech consultancy CCS Insight , sees great potential in smartwatches , but says the connected home is just too hard for the man on the street right now .

  18. 技术咨询公司CCSInsight的分析师本•伍德(BenWood)认为,智能手表蕴含着巨大的潜力。但他表示,“现阶段而言,普通人还很难实现”联网家居。

    Ben Wood , analyst at tech consultancy CCS Insight , sees great potential in smartwatches , but says the connected home is " just too hard for the man on the street right now . "

  19. 第四条交付4.1前述技术咨询报告以CIF______________价格条件交付的最后期限为:A.分项一的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    Article 4 Delivery Schedule 4.1 The deadline for the arrival of the Technical service reports CIF _____ is : A. Technical service report on Item 1 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  20. 因此IDG已经成为为技术咨询和世界各地的媒体信息以及发展趋势的可靠来源。

    As a result , IDG brands have become the trusted source for advice and insight into technology news and trends around the world .

  21. 此番雄心令人折服,但历史表明,进军美国市场是一项艰巨任务,技术咨询公司CCSInsight的分析师本.伍德(BenWood)说,他们将不得不烧掉天量资金才能有一定作为。

    The ambition is eye-watering but history shows that breaking into the US market is a fearsome task , said Ben Wood , analyst at CCS Insight . They will have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to move the needle .

  22. 同时OLPC电脑组织还将为每个学校配置一台服务器,一个技术咨询小组、卫星互联网服务和其它基础设施。

    Besides , OLPC computer organization will equip every school with a serber , a technique consultation team , satellite internet service and other basic facilities .

  23. 我觉得要想在男人的世界里竞争,我需要和他们一起学习,富奇表示。她在德勤(Deloitte)负责技术咨询。

    I thought that in order to play in the man 's world , I needed to go to school with them , says Ms Fudge who carries out technology consulting for Deloitte .

  24. GRS公司有能力在我们的英国设施中执行生产试验,以便提供我们的技术咨询服务,并且帮助提高铸件的质量和生产效率。

    GRS has the ability to carry out manufacturing trials at our UK facility , to offer our technical consultancy service and help improve the quality of the castings and manufacturing efficiency .

  25. 自然资源管理和可持续开发技术咨询委员会

    Technical Advisory Committee on Management and Sustainable exploitation of Natural Resources

  26. 采金船开采技术咨询专家系统

    An Expert System for Technic Consultation in Gold Dredger Mining

  27. 阿拉伯国家鱼类销售信息、促销和技术咨询服务

    Fish Marketing Information , Promotion and Technical Advisory Services for Arab Countries

  28. 从事自动化系统集成、技术咨询等业务。

    We also providing the automatic system integration and the technological consultation .

  29. 技术咨询方案被关押在其最后的稳定状态。

    TAP to be held in its last stable state .

  30. 北非跨国绿带项目技术咨询委员会

    Technical Advisory Committee of the Transnational Green Belt Project for North Africa