
  • 网络financial consultation;M&A Advisory;financial advice;con-sultation
  1. 金融咨询机构AESInternational常驻迪拜的投资服务负责人戴维蘒芈(DavidNorton)认为,离开伦敦办公室

    David Norton , head of investment services at financial advisers AES International , based in Dubai , believes moving from the firm 's London office ,

  2. IBM将收购总部驻华盛顿的金融咨询公司鹏睿金融集团(PromontoryFinancialGroup),以实现用人工智能(AI)技术分析监管规定、并为金融机构提供咨询意见的更大目标。

    IBM is set to acquire Promontory Financial , a Washington-based financial consulting firm , as part of a broader effort to use artificial intelligence to analyse regulations and provide advice to financial institutions .

  3. 他也曾为富国银行(WellsFargo)、企业租车服务公司EnterpriseRent-a-Car、西北互助人寿保险公司(NorthwesternMutual)和金融咨询公司EdwardJones等公司培训高管最大程度地发挥脑力。

    He also coaches executives at companies like Wells Fargo ( WFC ) , enterprise rent-a-car , Northwestern Mutual , and financial advisors Edward Jones on how to get the most out of their brains .

  4. 最近,金融咨询公司herowallet表示,四分之一的美国工人为了满足当前支出需要,不惜付出代价动用自己的退休基金。

    Last week , hero wallet , a financial advisory firm , showed that one in four US workers were dipping into their retirement funds to meet current spending needs in spite of the penalties that accrue .

  5. 去年,《纽约时报》报道了明尼苏达州的金融咨询公司Salo,该公司试图在部分员工当中推行相似的实验。

    Last year , The New York Times reported on Salo , a Minnesota-based financial consulting company that tried a similar experiment with some of its employees .

  6. 德勤(deloitte)金融咨询部门的一项调查显示,有三分之一的美国企业,并不总是对其海外投资进行背景调查,而在进行调查的企业中,有70%不详细调查行贿和腐败问题。

    A third of US companies do not always do background investigations on overseas investments , and 70 per cent of those that do are not checking in detail for bribery and corruption , according to a survey from the financial advisory arm of Deloitte .

  7. 在此基础上,论文详细阐述了由作者主持的申银万国证券研究所金融咨询业务通用数据发布平台(下文简称为金融咨询业务通用数据发布平台或本系统)的设计和实现。

    Afterwards , the universal platform for data publication used in financial consulting business is described in detail .

  8. 金融咨询业务通用数据发布平台系统主要实现了以下功能:研究所端的数据收集、整理和发布;

    This platform has been implemented in following functions : data collection , organization and publication at the institution ;

  9. 高盛的投行业务实现了盈利,包括金融咨询服务和股票承销。

    The bank made money from its investment banking arm , which includes financial advisory services and equity underwriting .

  10. 高盛高华具备承销中国内地股票、债券,以及提供金融咨询服务的资格。

    Goldman Sachs Gao Hua holds a licence to underwrite domestic shares and bonds , and provide financial advisory services .

  11. 其主要服务内容包括:物流、流通加工、融资、评估、监管、资产处理、金融咨询等。

    Its main services include : logistics , distribution processing , financing , evaluation , monitoring , asset handling , and financial consulting .

  12. 中行表示,攀枝花钢铁集团还会从该行得到包括流动资金贷款、固定资产贷款、资金管理以及金融咨询等在内的其他金融服务。

    The group will also get other financial support including liquidity loan and fixed-asset loan services , cash management and financial consulting services from BOC , the bank said .

  13. 80%的雇主是中小企业,如独立的金融咨询公司,法规要求它们具备更高的资质。

    Eighty per cent of employers are small or medium sized enterprises , such as independent financial advisers , and they are subject to higher qualifications by regulation , says Ms Field .

  14. 史密斯先生同时还是重庆市长国际经济咨询委员会成员、上海国际金融咨询委员会及香港管理协会成员。

    Mr Smith is also a member of the Chongqing Mayor 's International Economic Advisory Council , the Shanghai International Financial Advisory Council and a Fellow of The Hong Kong Management Association .

  15. 按照入世承诺,我国将在入世过渡期内逐步兑现开放审慎性发放营业许可证、外汇业务及时开放、人民币业务分阶段开放和金融咨询类业务及时开放。

    According to the contents of the commitments , the banking of China will open business license delivery , foreign exchange business , RMB business , and finance consultant step by step in transitional period .

  16. 通过对来自能源企业、制造业以及金融咨询业等不同行业的203名员工的问卷调查,用实证的手段深入研究员工组织承诺对其关系绩效的影响。

    And it makes use of demonstration method to study farther how the employee 's organizational commitment affects contextual performance through 203 employee 's questionnaires that are from energy sources industry , manufacturing and finance consultation industry etc.

  17. 32的莱帕德是AccordionPartners公司的首席执行官,这是一家成立于2009年底的金融服务咨询公司。

    Leopard , 32 , is the CEO of accordion partners , a financial services consulting firm that he founded in late 2009 .

  18. 其他MBA毕业生去了大型老牌公司工作,往往是金融和咨询行业,但也有工程和法律等其他行业。

    Other MBA graduates go to big , established companies , often in finance and consulting but also in businesses ranging from engineering to the law .

  19. 以上令人失望的发现出自美国投行摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)与金融服务咨询商奥纬咨询(OliverWyman)的一份报告。

    The grim findings come in a report by Morgan Stanley , the US investment bank , and Oliver Wyman , the financial services consultancy .

  20. 因为金融和咨询业的大部分单位都严格控制了招聘计划,为了找到一份工作,许多mba将不得不在三个方面作出妥协。

    For as the bulk recruiters from finance and consultancy rein in their plans , many MBA students will have to make compromises in three areas in order to get a job .

  21. 金融业务咨询:风险投资与筹资、资、市咨询等。

    Financial consultation : risk investment and financing , listing-planning and consultation , etc.

  22. 这是金融危机咨询委员会所做的金融报告中所报道的。

    That 's what the final report from the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission says .

  23. 生产经理得以转行进入金融或咨询业,充实了这个两行业的人才。

    Production managers can move into finance or consultancy to the enrichment of the both .

  24. 对于一些毕业生而言,当他们意识到自己并不想在通常在校园里招兵买马的金融或咨询行业干一份普普通通的工作时,他们便开始了自己的追求。

    For some graduates , the pursuit comes when they realize they don 't want the run-of-the-mill jobs in , say , finance or consulting that companies typically tout on campus .

  25. 很多来耶鲁大学招聘学生的公司,包括大多数众所周知的华尔街金融与咨询公司,公开声明他们首选那些有着坚实的写作能力的应聘者。

    Many companies that came to recruit at Yale , including most of the well-known Wall Street finance and consulting firms , made no secret of their preference for candidates with solid writing skills .

  26. 总部位于上海的金融科技咨询公司Kapronasia的数据显示,2015年有更多中国消费者从刷卡转向通过移动钱包应用扫描二维码,这令银行损失了200亿美元手续费收入。

    The move by more Chinese consumers to switch from swiping plastic cards to scanning QR codes with mobile wallet apps knocked $ 20bn from banks " fee income in 2015 , according to Kapronasia , a Shanghai-based fintech consultancy .

  27. 但是,和Goldin和Katz教授有据证明的一样,你们中相当一部分人将选择金融和理财咨询。

    But , consistent with the pattern Goldin and Katz have documented , a considerable number of you are selecting finance and consulting .

  28. 金融服务研究咨询公司towergroup去年底曾预测,在2007年,外汇市场日交投量将从2006年的2.6万亿美元增至3.6万亿美元。

    Towergroup , a financial services research consultancy , forecast late last year that trades on the foreign exchange market would rise from $ 2600bn a day in 2006 to $ 3600bn for 2007 .

  29. 文凭:电子财经,市场推广,金融服务,咨询科技。

    Diploma : E-commerce , Marketing , Financial Services , Information Technology .

  30. 我为顾客的金融事务提供咨询。

    I advised customers on financial matters .