
  • 网络securitization of financial assets;FASITS;securitization
  1. 并就金融资产证券化面临的风险进行了分析。

    Moreover it analyses the risks of securitization of financial assets .

  2. 研究表明银行的非中介化进程、金融资产证券化和以保险养老金形式实现的契约化进程在成员国的发展是不平衡的。

    We find that the disintermediation process of banks , the securitization of financial assets and the penetration of insurance as well as pension funds are different between member states .

  3. 台湾金融资产证券化立法及借鉴

    Regime of Financial Asset Securitization in Taiwan and Its Reference

  4. 台湾金融资产证券化信用风险管理之研究

    The Study on the Credit Risk Management for Financial Assets Securitization in Taiwan

  5. 第六章,论文对国外资产证券化的最普遍、也最为典型的金融资产证券化进行了介绍。

    According to introduction abroad financial capital securitization .

  6. 金融资产证券化与商业银行不良资产处理研究

    The Securitization of Financial Assets and the Non-performing Loans Disposal Research of Commercial Banks

  7. 本文共分为四章:第一章是金融资产证券化的一般理论分析。

    Chapter one is the general theoretical analysis .

  8. 论金融资产证券化

    Study on Financial Assets Securitisation

  9. 金融资产证券化是近三十年来国际金融市场最为引人瞩目的金融创新。

    In the thirty years , the most remarkable innovation in the international financial market is Financial Asset Securitization .

  10. 第一部分是概述信托型金融资产证券化的基本法律问题,对信托型金融资产证券化的概念进行了界定,并对其法理基础及表现形式进行论述。

    Make a definition to Equity Financial Asset Securitization , and discusses about its law foundation and form of manifestation .

  11. 金融资产证券化是目前国际上最具影响力的金融创新产品之一,它在国际金融市场中占据的份额逐渐扩大。

    Asset securitization is one of the finance innovations with great influence and playing a more and more important role in international finance market .

  12. 目前,金融资产证券化在我国已经不是讨论应不应该开展的问题,而是探讨如何开展的课题。

    Nowadays , the most important problem we should pay attention to in China is not whether we should develop it , but how to develop it .

  13. 在世界金融资产证券化迅速发展的大潮下,我国于20世纪90年代开始了资产证券化的实践,同时,学者们也展开了对资产证券化的理论研究。

    With the rapid development of Global Asset Securitization , Asset Securitization occurred in our country in 1990s . At the same time , the scholars began to study Asset Securitization .

  14. 金融资产证券化是20世纪出现的一项重要的金融创新,目前已成为一种世界性的潮流。

    Securitization of financial assets , an important financial derivative that came into being at the end of 20th century , has become a worldwide tendency nowadays . Among our national commercial banks .

  15. 在金融资产证券化过程中,特殊目的机构以证券销售收入偿付发起人资产出售的价款,而以资产未来产生的现金流偿付投资者的投资收益。

    In this process , SPV pay the price for the sale of assets to sponsor by securities sales , while pay investors the investment income from the future cash flow of the assets .

  16. 由于金融资产证券化的精妙结构和独特功能,使之成为20世纪最重要的金融创新之一,并且被世界各国日益广泛地应用。

    As a result of their delicate structure and peculiar functions , financial asset securitization become one of the most important finances innovation in 20th century and is applied by the world various countries .

  17. 从以应收账款质押向银行贷款、商业票据及公司债发行、开办购车储蓄业务、汽车金融信贷资产证券化等方面建立有效的融资渠道等来解决融资问题;

    Opening more finance channels for automobile finance from banking loans 、 issuing Asset-backed securities 、 saving for cars and automobile finance asset securitization ;

  18. 研究结果表明:(1)与发达大国相比,我国个人投资者更偏好无风险资产,消费倾向不足,金融资产的证券化程度较低,风险资产投资比例较低。

    The results of the study show : Firstly , China 's individual investors prefer more safe assets to risky assets than individual investors of developed countries , the consumption preference is low , and the level of financial asset securitization is also low .

  19. 作为一种金融创新,资产证券化在英美法系和大陆法系具有不同的法律规制。

    Asset-Securitization ( as a new financial innovation ) has different law system in Common law system from Continental law system .

  20. 而作为一项重要的金融技术,资产证券化与汽车消费信贷的结合,必然成为推动汽车金融发展的重要途径。

    The asset securitization , as one of the important financial technologies , will be an important method in pushing forward the automobile finance combining with the use of automobile consumption credit .

  21. 这部分首先介绍了金融危机与资产证券化之间的关联,并站在资产证券化的角度,分析金融危机诱发的因素,从而探讨资产证券化实践过程的风险。

    The chapter firstly analyzes the relevance between the global financial crisis and asset securitization . From the perspective of asset securitization , the chapter discusses the elements that trigger the crisis , and analyzes the risks in the practice of asset securitization .

  22. 近年来,在金融全球化、资产证券化的发展浪潮之下,集储蓄投资于一身的基金同银行、保险共同成为了现代金融市场的三大支柱。

    In recent years , under the waves of financial globalization , the development of securitization of assets , with the savings and investment of the fund together with the banking and insurance , has become a common modern of the three pillars of the financial markets .

  23. 作为20世纪70年代以来最重要的金融创新工具,资产证券化曾经为金融业的发展做出了重要贡献。

    Asset-based Securitization , which is the most important financial innovation since 1970s , made a great contribution to the development of financial market .

  24. 在众多的金融创新中,资产证券化以其精巧的制度设计和独特的功能而为世人瞩目。

    Among many systematic designs of financial innovation , Asset Backed Securitization ( ABS ) has attracted wide attention by its precise design and special function .

  25. 资产证券化融资方式是20世纪70年代起源于美国的一项重要的金融创新,由于资产证券化融资方式构思巧妙、方式灵活,在短短的三十几年的时间里得到了空前的发展。

    Asset-backed securitization is an important financial innovation beginning in America from the 70s of the 20th century . Because of its smart design , flexible style , Asset-backed securitization got the unprecedented development in the nearly thirty years .

  26. 在最近的经济周期中,金融监管放松和资产证券化的结果,只是导致无数人相信自己将成为赢家,而其他人将承担风险并最终承担成本。

    The financial deregulation and securitisation of the most recent cycle merely encouraged an unusually wide circle of people to believe they would be winners , while somebody else would bear the risks and , ultimately , the costs .

  27. 21世纪市场经济条件下,经济金融全球化、金融及资产证券化趋势的持续快速发展,使得证券及证券市场在金融中的重要地位不断得到提升。

    With the rapid continuous development of the tendency towards finance globalization and assets securitization , security and security markets become more and more important under the Market Economy in the 21st century .

  28. 作为金融领域最重大和发展最快的金融创新和金融工具,资产证券化改变了传统金融的运作模式。

    As the most important financial innovation and fastest development financial instrument in the financial domain , asset securitization changes the traditionally finance operational model .