
  • 网络Gemdale;Gemdale Corporation
  1. 李芦媛的新雇主金地集团(gemdalecorporation),是一家总部位于深圳的大型房地产开发商,也从事物业管理和房地产销售。

    Gemdale Corporation , her new employer , was a large , Shenzhen-based real-estate developer that also managed and sold properties .

  2. 这样的小企业无法与中国万科(ChinaVanke)或金地集团(Gemdale)这样的大公司竞争,后者不仅能够从银行获得贷款,还能利用国际资本市场。

    Such also-rans can 't compete with the likes of China Vanke and Gemdale , big boys who can tap banks and international capital markets as well .

  3. 然后以金地集团实施员工持股制度作为案例,深入研究金地集团实施员工持股制度的原由、方案的制定、绩效评价和存在的问题,总结金地模式的经验和教训。

    The thesis use the Golden Ground Group as an example to study how to implement the Employee Stock Ownership Plan . It includes the analysis for the causes , plan making , performance evaluation and existing problems analysis .

  4. 第五部分是结语,以金地集团投资价值的分析结果出发,提出投资者应进一步树立投资于成长型上市公司的投资理念,从而分享中国经济快速稳健成长带来的经济成果。

    The fifth part is closing mark , which point out that investors shall establish the concept of invest in the high growth company , so as to share the fruits of the sustained , rapid and sound development of the Chinese economy .