
  • 网络Capitaland;CapitaLand China
  1. 对凯德置地来说,上海是他们进入中国的跳板。

    For CapitaLand , Shanghai was their first stepping stone into China .

  2. 新加坡企业代表(腾飞集团、星展银行、凯德置地)也将在会上分享它们在杭州的投资项目。

    Representative from Ascendas , DBS Bank and CapitaLand will also share their experiences investing in Hangzhou with the participants .

  3. 进入二十一世纪,凯德置地公司面临着前所未有的竞争环境。

    As it enters the twenty first century , CapitaLand faces an unprecedented amount of competition .

  4. 凯德置地所面临的问题是,以后还能不能买到利润丰厚的地皮,能不能开发这些地皮。

    The question is whether CapitaLand can continue to get access to and build on lucrative land banks in the future .

  5. 但是凯德置地品牌强大,良好的资产负债表,定能驾驭逆境。

    But players like CapitaLand , which have a strong brand name and sound balance sheet , should be able to ride a bad cycle .

  6. 凯德置地公司是新加坡嘉德集团在中国的子公司,于1994年进入上海市场,主要经营业务范围包括房地产投资与开发、服务公寓、房地产基金管理和物业管理。

    CapitaLand China Holdings Group is a subsidiary of CapitaLand Group , which is based in Singapore . Since entering the Shanghai market in 1994 , it has focused on its core business areas of real estate development , serviced apartments , real estate funds management , and property management .