
kǎi dí lā kè
  • cadillac
  1. 也可以问问通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),它为了让凯迪拉克(Cadillac)重振雄风已经投入了不计其数的资金。

    Or general motors ( GM ) , which has spent prodigiously in the quest to fix Cadillac .

  2. 这是惊人的垂直与头灯相结合,大胆的前端部分和V形前到经典凯迪拉克格栅逐渐变细。

    It is combined with the striking vertical headlights , bold front side sections and the V-shaped front tapering into the classic Cadillac grille .

  3. 这是有史以来第一次凯迪拉克进入现在流行的SUV的部分。

    This is the first ever Cadillac to enter the now popular SUV segment .

  4. 通用汽车(GeneralMotorsCo.)打算今年晚些时候在中国生产全尺寸凯迪拉克XTS,以提升现有销售业绩。

    General Motors Co. plans to start building its full-size XTS in China later this year to build on its existing sales .

  5. 现在,凯迪拉克正在为2016年研发一款V8引擎的旗舰车型。

    it is now developing a V-8 powered flagship sedan for 2016 .

  6. 通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)未来几代的凯迪拉克轿车(Cadillac)将拥有更加柔和的拐角线条,仪表盘将增加更多装置,后排座椅也将更为豪华。

    The next generations of General Motors Co. 's GM + 3.19 % Cadillacs will have softer corners , dashboards with more gadgetry and plusher rear seats .

  7. 尽管克莱斯勒(Chrysler)、林肯(Lincoln)和德索托(Desoto)的几款老爷车都有巨大的尾翼,但其中没有任何一款车型达到了凯迪拉克的高度。

    Other cars Chryslers , Lincolns , and DeSotos had massive tail fins , but none took them to the heights that Cadillac did .

  8. 大多数豪华品牌的销量都有所加速,只有仍然处于恢复期的凯迪拉克(Cadillac)不升反降。

    Sales of most luxury cars accelerated but Cadillac , a brand still in recovery , fell back .

  9. GM说相机在凯迪拉克车里没有记录任何东西,仅仅一个缓冲视频用于确保超级巡航工作。

    GM has said that the camera in its Cadillac cars isn 't recording anything ; it 's just a buffered video feed to make sure Super Cruise works as it should .

  10. 别克、凯迪拉克、雪佛兰和GMC的制造商正在召回150多万辆汽车。

    The maker of Buick , Cadillac , Chevrolet and GMC is recalling more than 1.5 million vehicles .

  11. 但在中国,不仅是凯迪拉克(Cadillac),就连在美国本土只是一个表现平平的中端品牌的别克(Buick),也变得有吸引力了。

    In China , not only Cadillac but even Buick , a dismal mid-market brand at home , have allure .

  12. 即便是搭载V6引擎,凯迪拉克STS非凡的加速表现仍能带来轻松驾驶的奢华体验。

    Even equipped with the base V6 engine , the Cadillac STS delivers impressive acceleration that imparts a feeling of relaxed , effortless luxury .

  13. 告别温和的傲慢的奢华,潜心追求世界顶级的操控,凯迪拉克STS车型就是一个很好的例证。

    Gone are the soft , bloated luxury yachts of the past , replaced by world-class performance-oriented sedans exemplified by cars like Cadillac 's flagship STS .

  14. 通用为旗下品牌土星和凯迪拉克(cadillac)更换了广告代理商,同时也变更了雪佛兰(chevrolet)的某些业务。

    GM has switched advertising agencies for the Saturn and Cadillac brands , as well as some of its Chevrolet business .

  15. 利用结构-声耦合分析法,预测了克莱斯勒Viper仪表板及凯迪拉克CTS仪表板在中低频范围内的隔声性能。

    The sound insulation performance of Chrysler Viper dash and Cadillac CTS dash in low-mid frequency range were predicted with this method .

  16. 1910年凯迪拉克(Cadillac)推出首辆封闭式车厢的轿车之前,消费者除了敞篷车之外别无选择。

    Until the introduction of the first closed-roof car by Cadillac in 1910 , a convertible was about all customers had to choose from .

  17. 自从2000年以来,凯迪拉克(Cadillac)已经投资数十亿美元以重振其豪华品牌的地位,目前仍然有很多工作要做。

    Cadillac has invested billions of dollars in new models since 2000 in a bid tregain its luxury standing and still has more tdo ;

  18. 凯迪拉克XTS轿车于今年3月在中国推出。

    GM launched its Cadillac XTS sedan here in March .

  19. 2010年凯迪拉克SRX与雷克萨斯RX2010年居住在附近的造型频谱的两端。

    The2010 Cadillac SRX and2010 Lexus RX reside near opposite ends of the styling spectrum .

  20. 凯迪拉克ATS与宝马3系都是后驱车型,这两款车型的重量分布以及悬挂的设计都是为了使车子变得更加灵活、更具驾驶乐趣。

    The two rear-wheel-drive models both are laid out with weight distribution and suspension designed to make them nimble and score high on the " fun to drive " scale .

  21. GMC赚的是安静型人的钱,而凯迪拉克赚的是爱热闹人的钱,通用一位高管表示,他指的是这两个品牌的典型用户。

    GMC is the quiet money , Cadillac is the noisy money , says one GM executive , referring to the brands ' typical customers .

  22. 凯迪拉克希望凭借CUE系统,向用户提供尽可能多的复杂功能,让科技达人满意&同时又尽量对这些功能进行简化,让“单纯用户”也能接受。

    With cue , Cadillac aims to offer as much complexity and sophistication as the driver who is tech-savvy can handle & and as little as a " simple user " wants .

  23. 人们一般认为是《汽车潮流》杂志开启了“年度汽车”的概念。1949年,也就是该杂志创刊那一年,它将凯迪拉克(Cadillac)的V8车型评选为年度最佳。

    Motor Trend is thought to have originated the car of the year concept , selecting Cadillac 's V-8 models in its first year of publication in1949 .

  24. 今年,凯迪拉克(Cadillac)将推出两款新车型的高科技版本,能让我们能一窥未来电脑代替人来开车到底会是什么情景,尽管可能只是惊鸿一瞥。

    Cadillac is rolling out high-tech options for two new models this year which provide however brief a glimpse into a future where computers take over from drivers .

  25. 通用汽车在美国销量很大,但在其目前保有的4个品牌中,只有雪佛兰(chevrolet)和凯迪拉克(cadillac)的确值得保留。

    GM sells a lot of cars in the US but , of the four brands it is keeping , only Chevrolet and Cadillac are clearly worth it .

  26. 所有汽车厂商都想从豪车销售中分一杯羹,像通用汽车(GeneralMotors)这样的行业巨头也在对旗下的平价车型进行持续升级,迫使消费者在减配版的凯迪拉克和高配版的雪佛兰英帕拉(ChevyImpala)之间做选择。

    All manufacturers want a share of luxury sales , and giants like General Motors are continuing to upgrade their popular-priced offerings , forcing consumers to choose between a stripped Cadillac and a loaded Chevy Impala .

  27. 这家汽车制造商表示,他们将把凯迪拉克SRX多用途车的生产线从墨西哥迁至美国。

    The automaker says it 's moving production of its Cadillac SRX crossover SUV out of Mexico into the US .

  28. 凯迪拉克(Cadillac)凭借高性能的V系列车型几乎已经达到了高端车的国际标准,但是它必须在这个水平上再保持几十年,人们才会真正拿它当回事。

    Cadillac has labored mightily to raise its game to international standards -- and nearly gets there with its high-performance V-series -- but will need to execute at this level for another couple of decades before being taken seriously .

  29. 假如通用汽车更名为雪佛兰(chevrolet),并仅保留凯迪拉克(cadillac)作为旗下第二个美国品牌,将会显得更加大胆,从投资和营销角度来讲也更加聪明。

    It would have been braver , and smarter in terms of investment and marketing , for GM to rename itself Chevrolet and keep only Cadillac as a second US brand .

  30. 既然通用汽车已经决定专注于四个品牌——雪佛兰(Chevrolet)、凯迪拉克、别克(Buick)和GMC——韩德胜面临的挑战在于说服顾客考虑上述品牌。

    Now that GM has decided to focus on four brands -- Chevrolet , Cadillac , Buick , and GMC -- Henderson 's challenge is to persuade customers to take a look at them .