
  • 网络The Carlyle Group;Carlyle Group LP;Carlyle;Carlyle Group LP US-CG
  1. 凯雷投资集团(CarlyleGroup)老板戴维•鲁宾斯坦日前在纽约出席BuyoutsNewYork活动时登台演讲。

    Carlyle Group boss David Rubenstein was on stage in New York yesterday , as part of the buyouts New York event .

  2. 凯雷投资集团(CarlyleGroup)尚未上市,但普遍预计未来一、两年必会迈出这一步。

    The Carlyle Group is not yet publicly-traded , but is widely expected to take the plunge within a year or two .

  3. 路透社(Reuters)周三报道,凯雷投资集团(TheCarlyleGroup)正在筹划于下个季度的某个时候提交IPO申请。

    The Carlyle Group is planning to file for an initial public offering sometime next quarter , Reuters reports today .

  4. 私募股权投资公司&凯雷投资集团(CarlyleGroup)周二上午向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了S-1上市登记表,宣布该公司计划完成市场期待已久的IPO上市。

    Private equity firm Carlyle Group filed an S-1 with the SEC Tuesday morning , declaring its intent to complete a long-anticipated public offering .

  5. 周二,凯雷投资集团(TheCarlyleGroup)同意收购老虎全球基金(TigerGlobalManagement)支持的新兴市场股票投资管理公司ESG55%的股权,令IPO猜测升温。

    The Carlyle Group ramped up IPO speculation yesterday , by agreeing to acquire a 55 % stake in ESG , an emerging markets equities manager backed by Tiger global management .

  6. 2006年,凯雷投资集团(CarlyleGroup)计划斥资3.75亿美元收购三一重工的竞争对手徐工机械85%的股份,向文波发文激发了国人对交易的反对,他也因此成名。

    He rose to prominence in2006 by stoking nationalistic sentiment against Carlyle Group 's planned acquisition of an85 % stake in Sany 's rival machinery maker Xugong Group for $ 375 million .

  7. 私募股权公司凯雷投资集团(TheCarlyleGroup)周三晚间将IPO发行价定为每股22美元,低于此前计划的23-25美元区间。

    Private equity firm the Carlyle Group priced its IPO this evening at $ 22 per unit , which was lower than its proposed $ 23 to $ 25 per unit range .

  8. 中国节能企业挪宝新能源集团(NobaoRenewableEnergyHoldings)上周四撤回了1.67亿美元的IPO登记,其股东包括凯雷投资集团(TheCarlyleGroup)、SilverLakePartners等。

    Nobao renewable energy holdings , a Chinese energy efficiency company whose shareholders include the Carlyle Group and Silver Lake partners , yesterday withdrew registration for a $ 167 million IPO .

  9. 除了谷歌之外,还有一些科技公司(如Facebook)和金融机构【如凯雷投资集团(Carlyle)】也想获得公开市场融资,但同时又不想给予股东某种机制制约创始人。

    Other technology firms , like Facebook , and financial firms , like Carlyle , are attempting to gain access to public market funding without giving shareholders a mechanism to keep the founders accountable .

  10. 但在911事件后,凯雷投资集团在公众压力下与该家族断绝了关系。

    Following September 11 , however , Carlyle came under public pressure to cut ties with the family .

  11. 凯雷投资集团要过多少时间,才会考虑重新接纳本•拉登家族?

    How much time would have to pass before Carlyle would consider letting the bin Laden family back into its fold ?

  12. 大卫鲁宾斯坦是一个共同创始人和总经理凯雷投资集团,是世界上最大的私人股权公司之一主任。

    David M.Rubenstein is a Co-Founder and Managing Director of The Carlyle Group , one of the world 's largest private equity firms .