
  1. 玛丽现在在凯悦饭店大厅。

    Mary is in the lobby of Grand Hyatt hotel .

  2. 凯悦酒店公寓位于北京中央商务区(CentralBusinessDistrict,CBD)中心位置,周围高楼林立,高档商铺与夜总会云集,是各路富豪觊觎的黄金地段。

    Situated in the middle of the central business district ( CBD ) among skyscrapers , upscale shops and clubs , the area is a coveted hub for the moneyed classes .

  3. 将水泥土重力式挡墙支护模型与双排桩支护模型结合起来,组成格栅式MC桩组合支护、止水体系,成功应用于青岛凯悦中心深基坑工程。

    Grid-MC-pile composite support and water stop system is successfully applied in deep foundation excavation of Qingdao Capland Center , which is combined of cement-soil gravity wall and double-row-pile .

  4. 此前凯悦酒店(hyatt)也报告良好业绩,它的客房有四分之三在美国。

    This follows a good showing from Hyatt , which has three-quarters of its rooms in the US .

  5. 过去三年,单身汉马克南一直居住于凯悦酒店公寓(ParkHyattResidences)的屋顶小户套房,从那儿还可俯瞰北京城的胜景。

    For the past three years McKenna , a bachelor , has also enjoyed some of the city 's best views from his miniature penthouse in the Park Hyatt Residences .

  6. 如今,阿斯特家族、洛厄尔家族和卡波特家族已经被佩罗家族(罗斯・佩罗)、希尔家族(麦格劳・希尔,McGrawHill)和凯悦酒店(HyattHotel)的普利兹克家族(Pritzkers)所取代了。

    Today , the Astors , Lowells and Cabots have been replaced by Perots ( as in Ross ) , McGraws ( of McGraw Hill ) and Pritzkers ( of Hyatt Hotels ) .

  7. 凯悦酒店设在CBD内,地理位置一流,设施及服务都更适于繁忙的商务旅客以及希望能徒步游览西湖并购物的观光客入住。

    The Hyatt 's CBD location , facilities and service are ideal for busy business travelers , and tourist visitors who want to be within walking distance of shops and the West Lake .

  8. 阿拉维纳的作品“为穷人和自然灾害的受害者提供了经济机会,减少了能源损耗,提供了友好的公共空间”,赞助普利兹克奖的凯悦基金会(HyattFoundation)主席兼董事长汤姆·普利兹克(TomPritzker)在声明中说。

    Mr. Aravena 's work " gives economic opportunity to the less privileged , mitigates the effects of natural disasters , reduces energy consumption , and provides welcoming public space , " Tom Pritzker , chairman and president of the Hyatt Foundation , which sponsors the prize , said in a statement .

  9. 我们要让每一位客人感受到凯悦温情!

    We want every Guest to feel the Hyatt Touch !

  10. 这就象给狗住的凯悦花园饭店似的。

    It 's like the Park Hyatt for poodles .

  11. 我还是住凯悦吗?

    Am I staying at the Hyatt again ?

  12. 杭州凯悦大酒店逆作法设计与分析

    Analysis and Design of Top-down Construction Method in Underground Project of Grand Hyatt in Hangzhou

  13. 听着,我答应了要去凯悦饭店一个聚会的。

    Listen , I said I 'd go to this blowout at the Hyatt hotel .

  14. 介绍了重庆浪高凯悦大酒店工程有粘结预应力扁梁的设计特点。

    The characteristic of design of bonded prestressed concrete flat beam of lang gao kai yue International Hotel in Chongqing is introduced .

  15. 酒店集团多品牌战略与品牌延伸战略之比较研究&以雅高集团与凯悦集团为例

    Comparative Research on the Multiple-Brand Strategy and Brand Extension Strategy of the Hotel Group : Taking Accor and Hyatt for an Example

  16. 我们的哲学观点是,正是凯悦集团的人员使凯悦拥有了卓越的阅历。

    It is our philosophy that it is the people of Hyatt International Hotels & Resorts who make the Hyatt experience an exceptional one .

  17. 凯悦公司努力在世界各地给员工提供一个公正合乎道德标准的工作环境。

    Hyatt International Hotels Resorts strives to provide a fair and ethical work environment for all its employees of all Hyatt International Hotels Resorts world wide .

  18. 主机提供的设施,在凯悦酒店坦帕是一个完美的地点,以及愉快轻松的住宿。

    Offering luxurious accommodation as well as unsurpassed hospitality in an elegant setting , this property with its beautiful installation and service will make your holidays an enjoyable one .

  19. 这次多年以后再回杭州,我还意外发现一个热闹的意大利社区,就在离凯悦酒店步行几分钟的地方。

    During my long-overdue return visit to Hangzhou , it came as a big surprise came to discover a thriving Italian neighborhood within a few minutes'walk from the Hyatt Regency .

  20. 一名来自中国的建筑师能够被评委们选中,这标志着中国将在建筑理念发展中发挥的作用得到了进一步的认可,凯悦基金会主席托马斯・普利兹克在声明中说。

    The fact that an architect from China has been selected by the jury represents a significant step in acknowledging the role that China will play in the development of architectural ideals , Thomas J. Pritzker said in a statement .

  21. 两位数的企业价值倍数(EV/Ebitda)意味着,洲际和凯悦酒店的股价并不便宜(洲际还被指操纵股价格,对此罚款最高可达收入的10%)。

    With ratios of enterprise value to earnings before interest , taxes depreciation and amortisation in the double digits , InterContinental and Hyatt shares are not cheap ( InterContinental has also been accused of price-fixing , which carries a fine of up to 10 per cent of its revenue ) .

  22. 美溪海滩曾被《福布斯》杂志评为“全球最奢华海滩”之一。迷人的海滩让冲浪者和日光浴粉丝们尽享风光无限的天然世外桃源。海滩上还有很多高档酒店,比如莱佛士和凯悦酒店,有些已经营业,有些即将开张。

    Once listed in Forbes Magazine as one of the ' World 's Most Luxurious Beaches ' , the stunning sands of My Khe Beach offer surfers and sun seekers a gloriously unspoilt hideaway with a host of big brand hotels such as Raffles and Hyatt opening or due to open very soon .