
xī ěr dùn jiǔ diàn
  • Hilton Hotel
  1. 艾玛胡是伦敦公园街上希尔顿酒店的SpatoYou护肤中心主管,他说:夜莺是吃着梅树上的毛毛虫长大的。

    Emma Hu , director of the Spa to You centre at the Hilton Hotel on London 's Park Lane , said : ' The nightingales were fed on caterpillars that eat from plum trees .

  2. 该集团于2012年以26亿美元收购了AMC娱乐,并正在加州比弗利山上建造一个大型的商业与居住区,毗邻举行金球奖颁奖礼和其他好莱坞活动的比弗利希尔顿酒店。

    It bought AMC in 2012 for about $ 2.6 billion , and is building a large commercial and residential complex in Beverly Hills , Calif. , adjacent to the Beverly Hilton hotel , where the Golden Globes and other Hollywood events take place .

  3. 我们在希尔顿酒店的酒吧间碰头吧。

    Let 's meet in the cocktail lounge at the Hilton .

  4. 如果您想犒劳一下自己,马耳他希尔顿酒店将为您提供高水准的国际化服务。

    If you want to treat yourself , the Malta Hilton offers high international standards .

  5. 他们在巴黎希尔顿酒店的套房里度过了非常愉快的一周。

    They had a fabulous time during their week in a suite at the Paris Hilton .

  6. 2008年,希尔顿酒店(HiltonWorldwide)宣布了信贷危机和随后的金融风暴发生前最后一项巨额收购交易。

    Hilton Worldwide was the last mega-buyout to be announced before the 2008 credit crunch and ensuing financial crisis .

  7. 推出ShakeSpeak应用是网站VisitLondon.com“伦敦粉丝”旅游宣传活动的一部分,此活动由英国推广活动GREATBritainCampaign、英国航空和希尔顿酒店提供赞助。

    The launch of the ShakeSpeak app is part of the Fans of London tourism campaign from VisitLondon.com , which is supported by the GREAT Britain Campaign , British Airways and Hilton .

  8. 凌晨3点,看起来满脸疲惫的巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)总统出现在芝加哥希尔顿酒店(ChicagoHilton)舞厅哭泣的支持者面前,承认竞选失败。

    At three in the morning , an exhausted-looking President Barack Obama appears before weeping supporters in the ballroom of the Chicago Hilton and concedes defeat .

  9. 现年48岁的美国歌手惠特尼休斯顿在周六晚上被发现死于洛杉矶的希尔顿酒店中。惠特尼脍炙人口的歌曲包括IWillAlwaysLoveYou,IWannaDancewithSomebody等。

    It comes after the singer , whose most famous hits include I Will Always Love You and I Wanna Dance With Somebody , was found dead in her Los Angeles hotel room on Saturday afternoon at the age of 48 .

  10. 席琳·迪翁(CélineDion)在恺撒王宫酒店的四年驻唱,就赚足了四亿美元。而巴里·曼尼洛(BarryManilow)也于2007年在拉斯维加斯希尔顿酒店里表演88场后,赚得2370万美元。

    C é line Dion 's four-year run at Caesars Palace grossed more than $ 400 million , while Barry Manilow earned $ 23.7 million for88 shows at the Vegas Hilton in2007 .

  11. 希尔顿酒店集团(HiltonHotels)也于去年11月宣布,与印度开发商DLF成立了期待已久的合资企业,将在未来7年内,在印度建设并拥有75家酒店和酒店式公寓。

    Hilton Hotels also in November announced a long-expected joint venture with Indian developer DLF to build and own 75 hotels and serviced apartments over the next seven years .

  12. 早在1995年,后被宝利通公司(Polycom)收购的TeleSuite公司就曾经宣布,将在包括帕尔玛酒店(PalmerHouse)和比佛利希尔顿酒店(BeverlyHiltons)在内的40家酒店内推出远程视频聚餐套房。

    Back in 1995 , telesuite , a company that has since been acquired by Polycom ( PLCM ) announced plans for remote dining Suites in 40 venues including the Palmer house and Beverly Hiltons .

  13. 的确,Rocketmiles提供的一项交易是,在奥兰多希尔顿酒店(HiltonOrlando)下榻(在豪华大床房住两晚,每晚房价239美元),可以获得一万英里的里程,这比PointsHound提供的最佳交易还多出4200英里。

    Indeed , one Rocketmiles hotel deal , at the Hilton Orlando , promised 10000 miles ( for a two-night stay in a deluxe queen room at $ 239 a night ) - that 's 4200 miles more than the best deal at PointsHound .

  14. 现任总经理VolkmarRuebel先生向笔者讲述了他多年来执掌上海希尔顿酒店的经验和感受。

    Volkmar Ruebel , Hilton Shanghai 's present general manager , shared his impressions and experiences accumulated over the past several years .

  15. 上海希尔顿酒店必将继续成为旅行者们的上佳选择。

    Hilton Shanghai will continue to be a good choice travellers .

  16. 在哪坐到希尔顿酒店的豪华轿车?

    Where can I get the limousine for the Hilton hotel ?

  17. 我已经在希尔顿酒店为您订了房间。

    I have booked a room for you at Hilton Hotel .

  18. 请告诉他,我住在希尔顿酒店。

    Please tell him I 'm staying at the hilton Hotel .

  19. 上海希尔顿酒店是举办各类会议活动的理想场所。

    Hilton Shanghai is an ideal location for meetings and events .

  20. 车到希尔顿酒店时请通知我。

    Please let me know when I get Hilton Hotel .

  21. 希尔顿酒店特别的股东会议将于晚些时候召开。

    A special shareholders meeting will be scheduled at a later date .

  22. 这是去希尔顿酒店的巴士吗?

    Is this the right bus for the Hilton hotel ?

  23. 请把车开到希尔顿酒店好吗?

    Will you deliver the car to the Hilton hotel ?

  24. 上海希尔顿酒店也是该档节目的独家赞助酒店。

    Hilton Shanghai is the exclusive hotel sponsor for the TV Show .

  25. 不,不是在扬子江大酒店,是在希尔顿酒店。

    No , it 's at the Hilton not the Yongtze hotel .

  26. 坐出租车到希尔顿酒店要多长时间?

    How long is it to the Hilton by taxi ?

  27. 是的,然后在希尔顿酒店那里向右转。

    Yes , and turn right at the Hilton Hotel .

  28. 去希尔顿酒店最快的方法是什么?

    What is the quickest way to the Hilton hotel ?

  29. 我们距离希尔顿酒店很近。

    We 're very close to the Hilton Hotel .

  30. 希尔顿酒店和那栋高楼在一方向吗?

    Is the Hilton Hotel in the same direction as that tall building ?