
  • 网络Herodotus
  1. 希罗多德说游戏,特别是骰子游戏是由Lydia(小亚细亚西部的富裕古国)王国在一次大饥荒中发明的。

    Herodotus says that games , particularly dice games , were invented in the kingdom of Lydia during a time of famine .

  2. 据希罗多德所说,Lydia国的人民用这种方式度过了18年,用吃一天、玩游戏玩一天的方式,他们顺利的度过了大饥荒。

    And according to Herodotus , they passed 18 years this way , surviving through a famine by eating on one day and playing games on the next .

  3. 对历史的认真研究可以追溯至公元前5世纪的希罗多德(Herodotus)。

    The serious study of history goes all the way back to Herodotus in the fifth century BC .

  4. 这与古希腊作家希罗多德(Herodotus)等人的作品有些相似,希罗多德将注意力放在了连接东方和西方的大陆桥上。

    That found a parallel in the works of authors such as Herodotus , whose attention was likewise on the land bridge that connects east and west .

  5. 最古老的记录是来自希腊的历史学家希罗多德。

    The oldest recorded one is by the Greek historian Herodotus .

  6. 试论希罗多德的史学地位

    A Tentative Study of Herodotus ' Academic Standing on Historiography

  7. 据希罗多德说,他们因此而发明了骰子游戏

    So , according to Herodotus , they invented dice games

  8. 希罗多德与修昔底德史学思想及方法之比较

    A Comparison of Thoughts and Methods in Historiography between Herodotus and Thucydides

  9. 希罗多德也许看到埃及人用木制的起重机。

    And Herodotus may have seen Egyptians using cranes made of wood .

  10. 希罗多德与修昔底德是西方史学史上两位里程碑式的人物。

    Herodotus and Thucydides are two milestones in the western History of historiography .

  11. 希罗多德说游戏,特别是骰子游戏

    Herodotus says that games , particularly dice games ,

  12. 传统观点认为希罗多德的史学思想中带有浓厚的宗教迷信色彩。

    Traditional ideas think Heroduts'historical thought is rich in religious and superstitious colour .

  13. 希罗多德的疯狂故事在历史上确有其事

    that Herodotus ' crazy story is actually true .

  14. 希罗多德只是写了一下他所知道的地方。

    Herodotus only wrote about places he knew .

  15. 如古希腊历史学家希罗多德,你就会了解这段历史

    Herodotus , you might know this history ,

  16. 我认为希罗多德也会信服。

    I think Herodotus would be convinced .

  17. 据希罗多德所著,在18年后

    According to Herodotus , after 18 years

  18. 最近科学家们发现,希罗多德的疯狂故事在历史上确有其事。

    And so , recently , scientists have suggested that Herodotus'crazy story is actually true .

  19. 他就是中国的希罗多德吧?

    Is he the Chinese Herodotus ?

  20. 但是对于要编写一部史纲的人来说,希罗多德是个过于引人入胜的同行。

    But Herodotus is too alluring a companion for one who would write an outline of History .

  21. 据希罗多德说,他们因此而发明了骰子游戏并且制定了一个全国范围内的政策:

    So , according to Herodotus , they invented dice games and they set up a kingdom-wide policy :

  22. 欧洲的西古提人是优秀的骑兵,也是野蛮的雅利安猎首者,古希腊历史学家希罗多德都写过他们的部落。

    The Scythians of Europe were known as excellent horsemen and Aryan headhunters so savage that Herodotus wrote about their tribes .

  23. 希罗多德敏锐地把握到了命运的变化无常,作品着力于人物命运的书写,传达了历史的变易意识。

    Herodotus sharply grasps the changeability of fate , whose works focus on the description of characters ' fates and convey the changing consciousness of history .

  24. 然而,如果希罗多德知道中国的长城的话,我们可以肯定他一定会把它列入他的名单之内的。

    However , if Herodotus had known about the Great Wall of China we feel sure he would have included it on his list of wonders of the world .

  25. 希腊的历史学家希罗多德告诉大家,当今伊拉克使用的是古巴比仑城市利用沥青的形式建造楼房和道路的方法。

    The Greek historian Herodotus told us of its use in the form of pitch for building and road making in the ancient city of Babylon in present-day Iraq .

  26. 但毕竟,尼罗河所赋予的远大于它索取的。正如古希腊历史学家希罗多德所言:埃及是尼罗河赐予的礼物。

    The river however has given more than it has taken , enough to make Herodotus , the ancient Greek historian say : Egypt is a gift from the Nile .

  27. 如果你对古希腊历史学家的作品比较熟悉的话,如古希腊历史学家希罗多德,你就会了解这段历史游戏发明的历史是什么以及原因是什么呢。

    And if you 're familiar with the work of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus , you might know this history , which is the history of who invented games and why .

  28. 据希罗多德所着,在18年后大饥荒没有任何改善、变好的迹象,因此,国王决定全国人玩最后一次骰子游戏。他把全国人平均分成两组。

    According to Herodotus , after 18 years the famine wasn 't getting better , so the king decided they would play one final dice game . They divided the entire kingdom in half .

  29. 希罗多德在史学领域大胆创新,提升历史的概念,创立历史叙述体,恰到好处地处理文史关系,并在其他方面也进行了有益的探索和尝试。

    Herodotus innovated boldly , sublimated the concept of history , created the historical narrative style , dealt with the relation between literature and history to a turn , and had some beneficial attempt on the other aspects .