
xī là zì mǔ
  • the Greek alphabet
  1. 然后他又斜眼瞅着保罗,仿佛他很想当场就跟他聊聊希腊字母似的。

    And again he leered at Paul , as if he would have liked to tackle him with the Greek alphabet , on the spot .

  2. pi是希腊字母。

    Pi is a letter of the Greek alphabet .

  3. 然而,说服媒体采用希腊字母名依然是个挑战。

    Persuading the media to use Greek letters could still be a challenge , however .

  4. 采用希腊字母也很实用,因为新名字好念、好写也好记。

    Using Greek letters provides a practical solution because the new names are easy to say , write and remember .

  5. 我喜欢f这个字母,但是书上用希腊字母υ来表示频率。

    I prefer the letter f , but our book uses the Greek letter nu .

  6. 你希腊字母表熟吗,lang探员?

    How 's your Greek alphabet , agent lang ?

  7. Omega是希腊字母表中的最后一个字母。

    Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet .

  8. 例如,一个VARCHAR列包含小写希腊字母alpha(UTF-8=0xCEB1)。

    For example , a VARCHAR column contains the small Greek letter alpha , a ,( UTF-8 = 0xCEB1 ) .

  9. Giles首先以希腊字母pi、lambda和单词meta为元编程开头(5:25)。

    Giles starts with the Greek letters pi , lambda and the word meta to lead over to metaprogramming ( 5:25 ) .

  10. 如果交易工具基于衍生品/期权,你便需要充分了解不同类型的卖出和买进,并且要对希腊字母代表的系数有合理的了解(主要是Theta系数、Alpha系数和Beta系数)。

    If they are derivative / option based , then you had darn well better understand the different types of outs and calls as well as have some reasonable understanding of the Greeks ( focus on Theta , Alpha and Beta ) .

  11. 通过对AutoCAD字体文件的修改,使中、西文字体协调、扩展了字体功能,并提供了对于道路、桥梁、建筑等专业有用的特殊字符,提供了上下标文字及部分希腊字母的输入。

    The modification on character documents in AutoCAD has coordinated the Chinese and foreign characters , increased the function of characters , providing useful special characters for road , bridge and architecture etc specialisms as well as the input of superscript & subscript characters and some of the Greek alphabets .

  12. GB/T13141-1991书目信息交换用希腊字母编码字符集

    Greek alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange

  13. 我能阅读希腊字母是由于我说俄语。

    I 'm helped with the alphabet by the fact I speak Russian .

  14. 希腊字母中的第十二个。

    The 12th letter of the Greek alphabet .

  15. GB/T15273.7-1996信息处理八位单字节编码图形字符集第7部分:拉丁/希腊字母

    Information processing 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets Part 7 : Latin / Greek alphabet

  16. 汉字、希腊字母、俄文字母.你能填对今天的填字字谜吗?

    Chinese , Greek , Russian , etc characters Can you do today 's crossword ?

  17. 应用希腊字母字体和字符样式

    Applies Greek font and character style

  18. 汉字、英文、希腊字母矢量字库的结构分析、读取及应用

    Structural analysis , read and application of Victor Library of Chinese characters , English and Greek letters

  19. 埃及和埃塞俄比亚的科普特教堂的礼拜式的语言;用希腊字母所写。

    The liturgical language of the Coptic Church of Egypt and Ethiopia ; written in the Greek alphabet .

  20. 本基督教预言书由采用希腊字母的埃及科普特语写成。

    This Christian oracle book was written in the Egyptian Coptic language , which uses the Greek alphabet .

  21. 泛希腊字母大学生联谊会,或与其有关的吉林大学中日联谊医院内部控制制度研究

    Of or relating to all Greek-letter fraternities and sororities . On the Internal Control System of China-Japan Union Hospital

  22. 从物理学来看,这个由希腊字母“兰布达”(λ)指代的新名词代表着远距离的排斥力。

    Physically , this new term , denoted by the Greek letter lambda , represented a long-range repulsive force .

  23. 字母:外文文字的一套字母。例如希腊字母,英文字母等等。

    Alphabet : Set of letters used in a language . For example , Greek alphabet , English alphabet , etc.

  24. 我们找到的封印之一是空白的,但其他两个压有希腊字母和基督教的宗教图景。

    One of the bullae we found is blank , but two others bear impressions of Greek letters and Christian religious scenes .

  25. 汉字、希腊字母、俄文字母.与截取类似,通配符替代了单词中的某一个字母。

    Chinese , Greek , Russian , etc characters Similar to truncation , wildcards substitute a symbol for one letter of a word .

  26. 本文中,我们将这两个模拟方法应用到逐路径法估计证券价格的希腊字母的问题中,并比较两者的计算结果。

    In this paper we apply these two simulation methods in estimating derivatives of security prices with pathwise method and compare the computational results .

  27. 从狭义上来说,它主要是学院或大学里男生的主要社会组织,通常以希腊字母命名。

    In narrow sense , it is a chiefly social organization of men students at a college or university , usually designated by Greek letters .

  28. 城市共分成了五个区,分别以希腊字母α,β,γ,δ,和ε命名。

    The city was divided into five parts , each called after a Greek letter ; Alpha , Beta , Gamma , Delta , Epsilon .

  29. 据称,黄金分割率,用希腊字母Φ表示,是一个物体的两个方面之间的数学联系。

    The golden ratio , represented by the Greek letter ' phi ' , is said to be a mathematical connection between two aspects of an object .

  30. θ极光的名字源于和它外形相似的同名希腊字母,它出现在地球和太空的边缘,是电磁活动的一片椭圆形区域。

    The theta aurora , named for its resemblance to the eponymous Greek letter , is an oval-shaped region of electromagnetic activity at the edge of Earth and space .