
mín zú yǔ yán
  • national language;minority language;national/vulgar language
  1. 试论双语教育下的民族语言与文化的保持

    On Maintenance of Minority Language and Culture in Bilingual Education

  2. 全国少数民族语言文字信息处理学术讨论会的基本情况;

    The basic situation of the seminar dealt with the national minority language words ;

  3. Dzongkha是不丹的民族语言,是一种混合语。

    Dzongkha is the national language and lingua franca .

  4. 回族话形成的民族语言基础

    On National Language Basis of the Language Spoken by Hui Nationality

  5. 简论清王朝的民族语言文字政策

    A Brief Discussion on the National Language Policy in Qing Dynasty

  6. 语言是文化信息的载体之一,民族语言可以表达某一方面的民族文化。

    G Language Language is one of the carriers of culture .

  7. 程序公正与庭审中民族语言的平等实现&以我国刑事诉讼中少数民族翻译的作用为视角

    Procedural Justice and Equal Realization of National Languages in Court Trial

  8. 民族语言对人群疟疾认知的影响

    The Influence of Ethno Language on People 's Perception to Malaria

  9. 每一种民族语言都是国家的一种重要资源。

    Each ethnic language is an important resource of the country .

  10. 白语是我国使用人数比较多的少数民族语言。

    Bai language use quite a lot of in minority languages .

  11. 民族语言文字要为各民族的共同繁荣服务

    National Spoken and Written Language should Serve for Common Prosperity towards nationalities

  12. 外来词在各个民族语言中都有,汉语自然也不例外。

    Loanwords exist in every language , and Chinese is no exception .

  13. 委婉语是一种重要的社会语言现象,世界各民族语言中普遍存在委婉语。

    Euphemism is a common phenomenon in each race of the world .

  14. 民族语言在和汉语的接触中通过两种方式影响汉语。

    Languages of ethnic minorities affect Chinese in two ways .

  15. 认知者的文化认知模式中很多是由虚拟空间构成的,在民族语言中表现为神话、信仰、谚语等。

    Shows that they have constructed many of our cultural cognitive models .

  16. 确定民族语言并加以推广。

    Determine what the national languages are and promote them .

  17. 而在中国国内,少数民族语言和汉语的互译工作起步比较晚,本文以研究维吾尔语的语言模型为主,同时使用平滑算法,实现了维吾尔语的语言模型。

    In China , minority languages and Chinese translation work rather late .

  18. 民族语言平等是民族平等的重要组成部分。

    The nationality language equality is the main part of the nationality equality .

  19. 试谈文化因素在新疆民族语言教学中的地位

    On the Position of Cultural Factor Teaching in National Language Teaching of Xinjiang

  20. 首先,各民族语言组成一个语言文化生态系统。

    First , each language culture makes up of a language cultural ecosystem .

  21. 空语类是英民族语言中一个非常重要而又非常典型的理论。

    EC is a very important and typical theory in the English language .

  22. 意音文字存在的民族语言文化条件

    The Ethnic Language-Culture Conditions of the Existence of Logogram

  23. 试论民族语言的文化学意义

    A Preliminary research on the culture studies ' meaning of the national language

  24. 面向民族语言信息处理的汉语分词方法

    MinZu Language Information Processing Oriented Chinese Word Segmentation Method

  25. 日语谚语是日本民族语言宝库中极富表现力的一种表现形式。

    Japanese proverbs are strong representations of the expressions in the Japanese language .

  26. 成语是一个民族语言的重要组成部分,蕴含着丰富的文化内涵。

    Idiom is an important part of language and has rich cultural connotation .

  27. 中国古诗词是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,也是以民族语言与文化为主要学习内容的语文教学不可或缺的内容。

    Chinese ancient poetry is the important part of Chinese culture and Chinese teaching .

  28. 然而,少数民族语言与汉语之间语码转换的研究却很少。

    There are few studies on the language of ethnic minority groups and mandarin .

  29. 个别情况下,也有从少数民族语言音译过来的词语。

    In a few cases , transliterations of some minority languages are used too .

  30. 借词是丰富本民族语言词汇的一种途径。

    Loan word is one way to enrich the vocabulary of a native language .