
mín zú xué
  • ethnology;nation science;ethnonymics
民族学[mín zú xué]
  1. 结论研究结果与遗传学和民族学研究结果一致,并提示17个汉族人群STR基因频率分布与地理距离呈平行关系。

    Conclusion The study results were in accordance with the researched outcomes of genetic and ethnology . This indicated that the STR gene frequency distribution in seventeen groups of Han population is parallel with the geographic distance .

  2. 地方民族学专家学者影像资料库建设方略

    Construction Plan of Local Ethnology Experts and scholars ' Image Database

  3. 中国民族学界对这套理论的研究不够,特别是西方族群(ethnicgroup)概念及其相关理论传入后,对前苏联的民族(этнос)概念及其理论更是绝少问津。

    We haven 't studied this theory fully especially when the western concept of ethnic group and relative theories are adopted .

  4. 这篇文章审视了我个人一生对中国的美好情感,而我的这种情感于2000年参加在北京举行的IUAES(国际人类学民族学联合会中期会议)时达到高潮。

    This account is an examination of my own personal and lifelong passion for China , culminating in attendance at the IUAES meeting held in Beijing in 2000 .

  5. 性别角色刻板印象与女性发展的民族学研究

    An Ethnological Analysis of Sex - role Stereotypes and Female Development

  6. 澳门:民族学人类学研究的一块宝地

    Macao : A Precious Land of Research of Ethnology and Anthropology

  7. 民族服饰在民族学、考古学中占有重要位置。

    National attire takes an important place in ethnology and archaeology .

  8. 与时俱进共同携手发展现代民族学

    Keep up with the Times and Developing Modern Ethnology Go Hand-in-Hand

  9. 试论民族学的知识结构和应用领域

    On the Content , Application Fields and Professional Training of Ethnology

  10. 努力使民族学人类学成为中国学术界的显学

    Try to Make Ethnology and Anthropology Remarkable Subjects in Chinese Academic Circles

  11. 西部开发中的生态民族学

    The Eco - ethnology in the Development of Western Regions

  12. 变迁问题是民族学、文化人类学的一个长期的热门课题。

    The problem with changes is a prolonged popular problem .

  13. 民族学方法及其在设计学中的应用

    Ethnography Approach & Its Application in the Science of Design

  14. 略论蔡元培先生民族学思想的来源及其形成

    On Origin and formation of Mr. Cai Yuanpei 's Ideas about Ethnology

  15. 由于不同的民族传统,民族学有着各种不同的定义。

    Ethnology has been variously defined in different national traditions .

  16. 台湾民族学的祭祀圈与信仰圈研究

    A Research into the Sacrifice Circle and Belief Circle of Taiwan Ethnology

  17. 汉德森博士是著名的亚洲民族学专家。

    Dr. Henderson is a famous expert on Asian ethnology .

  18. 人口问题研究历来是民族学研究不可或缺的组成部分。

    Population has always been an indispensable part of study of ethnology .

  19. 关于徐家寨村石刻佛像的民族学解读

    About Xu Village Carved Stone Image of Buddha Ethnology Explanation

  20. 计算机模拟方法在民族学与人类学研究中的应用

    Application of Computer Simulation to Study of Ethnology and Anthropology

  21. 中国民族学的百年回顾与新时代的总结

    A Century Survey of Chinese Ethnology and Its Summary in New Era

  22. 经济文化类型作为民族学中的专有概念在理解和具体应用中存在一定的认识上的偏差。

    Economic Cultural type is the special concept in ethnology .

  23. 重庆市高等学校民族学类教材开发研究

    The Probing Researches on the Textbook of Ethnics of Universities in Chongqing

  24. 民族学研究在湘西的开创与发展

    Initiation and Development of Ethnological Research in Western Hunan

  25. 从民族学资料看南方民族的古代文化英雄

    About the cultural heroes of ancient Chinese Southern nationalities through reference of ethology

  26. 民族学学科结构新论

    A New Approach to the Discipline Structure of Ethnology

  27. 从中国人类学民族学的发展看学科的世界性与本土性

    The Academic Universality and Research Indigenization through the View to Ethnology in China

  28. 西南茶文化起源的民族学考察

    Ethnological Investigation on the Origin of the Tea Culture in South west China

  29. 婚姻是人类学/民族学关于亲属关系研究领域的一个核心主题和重要分支。

    Marriage is an essential issue and a branch in anthropology and ethnology .

  30. 民族学的应用与中国民族地区现代化

    The Use of Ethnology and the Modernization of Ethnic Minority Regions in China