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dǒu bǐng
  • handle of the Dipper;bucket arm;the upper three of the Big Dipper
斗柄 [dǒu bǐng]
  • [the upper three of the Big Dipper;handle of the Dipper] 构成北斗柄部的三颗星

斗柄[dǒu bǐng]
  1. 葫芦笙以小葫芦腹部为笙斗,柄端作吹口。

    It takes the belly of the small calabash as its body and the pommel as its mouth .

  2. 大型单斗正铲挖掘机斗柄断裂的失效分析

    Failure analysis of diggle handle ′ s fracture of large type excavator