
  • 网络Doumen District
  1. 珠海市斗门区居民体重指数、腹围与血压关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between BMI , waist circumference and blood pressure in Doumen District , Zhuhai

  2. 市妇联领导16日来到斗门区坭湾村,向该村妇女学校捐赠图书。

    On may16th , leaders of the municipal women 's Association contributed books to the women 's School of Niwan village in Doumen district .

  3. 珠海市斗门区农村居民糖尿病患病情况及危险因素分析

    Prevalence and risk factor analysis of diabetes in Doumen rural area of Zhuhai City

  4. 珠海市斗门区农村居民血脂异常及与慢性非传染性疾病聚集性研究

    Investigation on Status of Lipid Disorders and Chronic Noninfectious Diseases Aggregation in Doumen Rural Area of Zhuhai City

  5. 在斗门区举行146个项目签约、动工、投产仪式的同时,斗门区行政服务中心也正式挂牌运作。

    During the ceremony celebrating the signing , groundbreaking and inauguration of146 local projects , the Doumen District Administrative Service Center was formally opened .

  6. 业务范围覆盖大佛山各区镇、肇庆地区、广州番禺、珠海斗门区、茂名信宜市等整个珠三角区域。

    Business coverage of a large district town , Foshan , Zhaoqing , Guangzhou , Panyu , Zhuhai , Doumen District , Maoming Xinyi such as the Pearl River Delta region as a whole .