
  • Tawau
  1. 工作与结婚后辗转住过汶莱、美里、斗湖、山打根及诗巫各乡城。

    After she went to work and got married , she lived in places like Brunei , Miri , Sandakan and Sibu .

  2. 马来西亚斗湖巴华中学和谐管理研究太湖水华蓝藻中藻蓝蛋白的富集分离

    Harmonious Management in Sabah Chinese High School , Tawau , Sabah , Malaysia ; Enrichment and Isolation of Phycocyanin in Cyanobacteria from Tai Lake

  3. 加略山爱的基金会的设立,是要成为一个管道为斗湖面对需要的一群提供协助和辅助。这基金会的设立响应了我国要成为一个真正关怀社群的宏愿。

    CALVARY LOVE FOUNDATION is a non-profit , non-religious and a non-political charitable organization dedicated to the betterment of the lives of the needy in our community .

  4. 发生在福建省安溪县剑斗镇湖丘角落的岩溶地面塌陷,具有典型的多因素致塌的特点。

    Karstic ground subsidence , occurred in Huqiou-jiaoluo of Jiandou town , Anxi county , Fujian province , is a typical one caused by multi-factor .