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  • 网络Bullfight festival;ferias;Vic-Fezensac
  1. 菲茨杰拉德对海明威最大的帮助就是为他编校了《太阳照常升起》,这部巨著讲述了一群放浪形骸的美国战后流亡青年从巴黎到西班牙参加斗牛节,之后引发了一系列爱恨纠葛的故事。

    The biggest help Fitzgerald offered Hemingway was editing his breakthrough work The Sun Also Rises , a novel about a dissolute group of American expatriates drifting from Paris to a bullfight in Spain .

  2. 追逐十分激烈:追风筝的人蜂拥着漫过大街小巷,相互推搡,像西班牙人那样。我曾看过一本书,说起他们在斗牛节时被公牛追赶的景象。

    The chase got pretty fierce ; hordes of kite runners swarmed the streets , shoved past each other like those people from Spain I 'd read about once , the ones who ran from the bulls .

  3. 海明威在小说中创造性地描述了很多定义和环境,诸如斗牛迷和狂欢节等。

    There are many definitions and situations Hemingway creatively depicts in the novel , including the fiesta and aficionado .