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  • 网络Ye Cheng;kargilik
  1. 中新世&第四纪前陆盆地的沉降中心向北迁移至叶城-喀什一线,快速的沉降作用堆积了5000~6000m的粗碎屑沉积物。

    The subsidence center of the Miocene-Quaternary foreland basin has migrated northward to Yecheng-Kashi where 5000 ~ 6000m of coarse clastic sediments have been accumulated as a result of rapid subsidence .

  2. 又一个月过去了,叶城终于回来了。

    Another month passed by and Ye finally came back home .

  3. 便主动来叶城家当保姆。

    Then she came to Ye 's house as a nurse .

  4. 叶城县农业地貌类型评价

    Evaluation of agricultural landform types in Yecheng county , Xinjiang

  5. 昆仑山北麓叶城县荒地资源的开发利用问题

    A study on the exploitation and using of waste land in Yecheng County

  6. 塔里木盆地叶城凹陷上第三系重矿物特征

    Characteristics of Heavy Minerals of the Upper Tertiary in Ye Cheng Depression , Tarim Basin

  7. 还没等梅婧向叶城告状,洪小玲却突然失踪了。

    Before Mei filed her complaint about Hong to her husband , Hong disappeared suddenly .

  8. 梅婧便向叶城讲了洪小玲的一系列古怪的行为。

    Then Mei told her husband about the odd behaviors of Hong all these days .

  9. 新疆叶城地区第四纪粗砂砾层沉积及其与昆仑山隆起的关系

    The Quaternary coarse Sand-Gravels deposits in yecheng , xinjiang and the correlations with the uprising of Kunlun Mountains

  10. 密尔岱地段:位于叶城县西南,棋河上游。

    Location of mierdai : lie in the southwest of Yecheng county , visit on the chess river .

  11. 从新疆叶城剖面砂岩和砾岩组分看西昆仑山的剥蚀历史

    Unroofing history of the West Kunlun viewed from the petrography of sandstone and Conglomerate from Yecheng section , xinjiang

  12. 塔里木盆地叶城坳陷南缘晚石炭世台缘礁及其找油意义

    Late & carboniferous platform edge reef and its oil exploration significance in south margin of the Yecheng depression , Tarim Basin

  13. 叶城盆地属于塔里木盆地的西南坳陷,在晚新生代沉积了巨厚的磨拉石建造。

    The Yecheng foreland basin is a part of the southwest sag of the Tarim Basin and contains late Cenozoic molassic deposits with great thickness .

  14. 好在叶城还算个有良心的包工头,他四处讨债,终于发了民工们的血汗钱,这才回到家。

    Thankfully , Ye was a conscientious contractor and asked the money back from his debtors and finally paid all the money back to the workers .

  15. 这里,还有鄯善的哈密瓜、伊宁的苹果、叶城的石榴、吐鲁番的葡萄等果中佳品;

    There are Hami melons from shanshan , apples from yining , pomegranates from yecheng , grapes from turpan , and so on and so forth .

  16. 她不明白这个洪小玲怎么会这么坏?而且老公叶城说好半个月就回来,现在都这么久了,还是不见影?

    She had no idea why Hong was so bad and why her husband had not appeared who had promised her to come back in half a month .

  17. 她突然冒出一个坏念头,是不是叶城在外面有了相好的,故意趁我现在腿脚不好,雇了洪小玲来专门整我?

    A horrible though came to her mind that maybe Ye had another love outside and took the advantage of her broken legs and employed Hong to handle her .

  18. 叶城家养了一条很凶猛的大狼狗,洪小玲刚来时,它冲洪小玲凶狠地叫着,过了两天,就熟悉了。

    Ye kept a very large and ferocious dog . When Hong came to his house initially , the dog barked at her fiercely . But it became familiar with her after two days .

  19. 叶城正要到劳务市场找一个保姆,却正巧见离家不远处有个姑娘,手里举着块牌子,说要找一份保姆的工作。

    When Ye was about to go to the labor market , he happened to see a maiden near his home holding a board telling that she wanted to find a job as a nurse .

  20. 所以今天特地来老城享受享受初春和熙的阳光,也了解一下古老的拉法叶城的历史。

    We have had passed here many times but had not taken a walk here , so we came here today to enjoy the early spring sunshine and get to know the old town of Lafayette .

  21. 李白(701~762),字太白,号青莲居士,祖籍陇西成纪(今甘肃天水附近),生于中亚碎叶城。

    Li Bai ( 701 ~ 762 ) , also known as Li Po , was renowned as the greatest romantic poet in ancient China . His courtesy name was Taibai and was born in Suiye in Central Asia .

  22. 对新疆叶城剖面西域砾岩及下伏第三纪地层的磁性地层学研究表明,西域砾岩的沉积时代为晚上新世至早更新世,磁性地层年龄为3.5至<1.8Ma。

    Magnetostratigraphic study of the Xiyu conglomerate and underlying Tertiary strata of the Yecheng section , Xinjiang has revealed that the Xiyu Formation was deposited during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene , with magnetostratigraphic ages from 3 5 Ma to younger than 1 8 Ma .