
  1. 叶海燕有一些颇具影响力的盟友。

    MS Ye has some prominent allies .

  2. 但中国仍然是一个性保守社会,有很多人不同意叶海燕的观点,而且这一话题也被高度政治化了。

    But plenty of people in what is still a sexually conservative society disagree , and the subject is highly politicised .

  3. 今年五月份,在中国西南省份广西,当活动人士叶海燕【注1】在住所附近遭到八名男子的袭击时,她并未感到十分意外。

    When an activist , ye Haiyan , was attacked by eight men in May near her home in the south-western province of Guangxi , she was not completely surprised .