
  • 网络Interior Division;inland provice
  1. 然而,贵州,中国最穷的一个内陆省,在那里。

    But on the other hand , Guizhou , one of the poorest inland provinces of China , is there .

  2. 由此可见,作为一个内陆省,处于新旧交替的清末江西社会力图借助清末新政的有利时机,积极进行社会变革以适应形势的变化。

    Therefore , as a inland provinces , in the peiss of late qing dynasty , jiangxi social actively carry out social reform to meet the situation changes .

  3. 沿海省、市科技成果转化效果明显好于内陆省、市。我国各区域科技成果转化的关键问题是投入、产出的不平衡。

    Coastal provinces , cities Technology Transformation is obviously better than inland provinces , There have big problem of regional science and technology of China is transformation input and output unbalanced .

  4. 诗句中所透露的可以从多方面反映社会风习的重要信息,也具有值得珍视的价值。成都海关内陆大省开放的窗口

    The important information of social customs reflected in it is of great importance . Chengdu Customs

  5. 商城的另外一些人说,袁某不太可能自杀,因为她的父亲患了癌症,主要靠她来照料。他们说,袁某是来自中国内陆安徽省的一名外来务工人员。

    Others at the market said suicide was unlikely , as Ms. Yuan who they said was a migrant worker from China 's inland Anhui province was a primary caretaker of her father , who is suffering from cancer .

  6. 她说自己并不认识死者。商城的另外一些人说,袁某不太可能自杀,因为她的父亲患了癌症,主要靠她来照料。他们说,袁某是来自中国内陆安徽省的一名外来务工人员。

    Others at the market said suicide was unlikely , as Ms. Yuan -- who they said was a migrant worker from China 's inland Anhui province -- was a primary caretaker of her father , who is suffering from cancer .

  7. 这类人不愿看到自己身穿与“暴发户”的情妇同样的品牌——暴发户是指一夜暴富、身价百万或亿万的煤老板,通常来自内陆山西省的尘土飞扬的中小城市。

    Such people recoil from the idea that they will be seen sporting the same brand as , say , the mistress of a " bao fa hu " - overnight millionaires or billionaires - coal mine owner from a lower-tier city in the gritty inland province of Shanxi .

  8. 地处西北内陆的甘肃省生态环境脆弱,经济社会发展较为落后,但旅游资源相对丰富。

    As an inland province of northwest China , Gansu Province has fragile eco-evironment , backward social economy and plentiful tourism resources .

  9. 地处西北内陆的甘肃省和黑河流域正面临日益严峻的水资源短缺危机,社会经济发展受到制约,水生态环境也呈现出恶化的趋势。

    Located in the northwest of China , Gansu Province and Heihe River Basin are facing more and more serious water crisis .

  10. 地处中国内陆的山西省在最近六年中,已实际利用外资十亿多美元。

    Shanxi Province , located in China inland , has actually utilized foreign investments of more than 1 billion US dollars in the past six years .

  11. 中行表示,将购买一家铁路运营商14.5%的股份。该运营商将建设一条铁路线,从内陆的山西省将煤炭运输到东部沿海的山东省。

    BoC said it would buy a 14.5 per cent stake in a railway operator that will build a line to transport coal from inland Shanxi province to Shandong province on the eastern seaboard .

  12. 在国家提倡科学发展观、大力构建和谐社会新的历史时期,陕西作为内陆人口大省,大型老国有企业数量多,养老保险基金历史欠账较为严重。

    In the new historical period state advocates scientific development concept and harmonious social , shaanxi province , the large population and old state-owned enterprise inland , the history debt of endowment insurance fund is seriously .

  13. 由于工业、建筑业与交通运输及仓储业是内陆能源大省山西最重要的温室气体排放部门,了望其能源消费与温室气体排放形态与特性,有助于提高政策有效性。

    As the industrial , construction and transportation and warehousing sectors are the most important greenhouse gas emitting sectors in Shanxi of energy inland province , to outlook its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions patterns and characteristics , will help to improve policy effectiveness .

  14. 世界城市的发展已构成了对湿地的严重威胁,处于内陆地区的四川省南充市滨江湿地在城市化进程中已经损失60%以上。

    Urbanization in the world has seriously threatened wetlands . Nanchong , a City lies in hinterland of Sichuan Province , has lost more than 60 % wetlands .