
  • 网络internal realism;internalist realism
  1. 他除了早年哲学论文中体现的科学实在论之外,发展了内在实在论思想,并且最终采取了类似于詹姆斯直接实在论的自然实在论立场。

    Except for the theory of scientific realism in his early papers , Putnam developed internal realism and natural realism which is similar to James ' direct realism .

  2. 普特南在追求这一目标的过程中,经历了两次重大的思想转变,即由科学实在论向内在实在论转变,再由内在实在论向自然实在论转变。

    Putnam changed his way of thinking twice in seeking for this goal , i.e. from scientific realism to internal realism , and then from internal realism to natural realism .

  3. 内在实在论的困境及出路创新中的思想解放&兼论思想的误区和出路

    Ideological Emancipation in Innovation & together with a discussion of the errors in ideology and its solution

  4. 他把传统的唯物论和塞拉斯的语义学结合起来,提出了“因果内在实在论”。

    Having connected classic materialism with Sellars s semantics , Raimo Tuomila suggested a " causal internal realism ", which not only has heavy intellectual meaning , but also give astro .

  5. 他的内在实在论往往被归入相对主义阵营中,因此,通过对普特南实在论立场的讨论,我们可以对整个科学哲学中的实在论争论有一个大体的了解。

    His internal realism is always seen as a kind of anti-realism , so by analyzing the change of Putnam ' thought , we can comprehend the debate in philosophy of science on the whole .