
  • 网络laudan;Larry Laudan;L. Laudan
  1. 随着L劳丹(1996)最近观点的发表,规范自然主义再一次活跃于科学哲学的舞台之上。

    With the publication of Laudan 's ( 1996 ) more recent views , normative naturalism is reactivated on the stage of scientific philosophy .

  2. 劳丹开创性地考察了科学中的概念问题。

    Laudan studies originally conceptual problems in science .

  3. 马贝特带我经历了一个小时的闪电决策过程,中途不乏有趣的小发现——一款香水带有强烈的培乐多(Play-Doh)彩泥气味,对此他解释说,因为它“使用琥珀香调,富含香草、安息香和劳丹脂的气味。”

    Mabbett puts me through an hour of rapid decision-making , with some interesting discoveries along the way - one fragrance smells strongly of Play-Doh , which , he explains , is because it 's packed with " amber notes , and vanilla , benzoin and labdanum . "

  4. 拉德里由一家大型医疗保健公司所有迪克劳丹集团

    Radley is owned by a big health care company . Declodyne .

  5. 赛格尔论证了劳丹工具合理性的失败。

    Siegel criticizes Laudan s arguments for instrumental rationality and argues the failure of instrumental rationality .

  6. 但是,卢格指出,网状模型对科学实际的说明仍不太清楚,应该寻求一条比劳丹更彻底的路线。

    But Lugg argues that the explanation of the reticulated model to scientific practice is still unclear and a more radical course must be pursued .

  7. 应对全球变暖问题的“气候集团”在伦敦问世劳丹则第一个将反常界定为未能解决的经验问题,与传统的反常观划清了界限,并且比较具体地对反常进行了考察。

    Climate Group against the Global Warming Has Been Set up in Loudon Loudon first defined the anomalies as the unsolvable empirical problems and made a detailed inquiry into them .

  8. 有人可能会评价你“情感强烈”,也有人会说你喜欢“小题大做”。当你的香水里含有劳丹脂和香脂等树皮受伤时留下的“眼泪”时,他们会作何感想呢?

    Some might describe you as ' intense , ' others a ' drama queen . ' When your perfume contains the ' tears ' or resins that ' weep ' from the barks of trees when they 're wounded , as labdanum and balsams do , what do they expect ?