
  1. 劳动保护用品的作用是什么?

    What is the action of labor protecting material ?

  2. 劳动保护用品是用来保护劳动者安全与健康的用品,管好用好劳动保护用品可以促进生产企业的安全文明生产。

    Labour protection necessities are used to protect the safety and health of labourers .

  3. 操作人员进厂内时,必须穿戴防静电的劳动保护用品。

    Operating personnel shall wear labor protective articles against static electricity while entering the plant .

  4. 及时给工人发放防暑降温的急救药品和劳动保护用品。

    Duly distribute the first aid medicines for heatstroke prevention and labor protection articles to workers .

  5. 第四十三条煤矿企业必须为职工提供保障安全生产所需的劳动保护用品。

    Article 43 Coal mining enterprises must provide the workers with the necessary articles to guarantee safety in production .

  6. 企业或拥有者有责任提供从业人员操作上的训练课程并确实加强安全规范教育及准备适当的劳动保护用品。

    The user or owner shall have the obligation to provide training courses to his operators to strengthen safety specification education and equip them with proper labor protection appliance .

  7. 结论预防眼外伤的重点是:加强法制宣传,规范行为方式,增强安全生产意识,改善工作和劳动环境,加强劳动保护,穿戴劳保用品。

    Conclusion Main preventive measures against eye injuries are concluded to be giving wide publicity to the workers , regulating working behavior , intensifying safety consciousness , improving working environment and emphasizing labor protection and wearing suitable appliance .