
  1. 每一部份都会获得好的收益。

    There are good profits to be made in each part .

  2. 妈妈回去工作了,重新开张经营,有了很好的收益。

    Mom went back to work rebuilt her practice and is now making a very nice living .

  3. 这些巨额的外汇储备主要以流动性高、安全性好但收益率相对较低的外国债券组成。

    These huge foreign exchange reserves mainly Composed by the high mobility , security , but relatively low earnings of foreign bonds .

  4. 如果我们的公司能看到中国市场的变化,抓住机会,他们将会获得很好的收益。

    If our companies can see these changes in the Chinese market , they will make good profits by seizing their chances .

  5. 只有当它们成功的时候才会获得很好的收益。但是选择了错误的方向却会失败。

    Investments and entrepreneurship are high-risk , high-reward enterprises that are great when they succeed , but can fail without commitment and the right sense of direction .

  6. 与其他投资手段相比,不动产投资信托具有流动性强、稳定性好、收益水平高、风险分散等优点。

    Compared with other investment approaches , REITs possesses of advantages such as strong liquidity , good stability , high level of benefits , and diversified risks , etc.

  7. 同时,由于国债具有安全性好,收益率高,流通性强等特点,对于很多投资者来说,国债是最主要、最大量的投资对象。

    Meanwhile , because the government bond has the characteristic such as good security , high profitability and strong negotiability , the government bond has become the mostly and largest investment object to many investors .

  8. 多因素模型能很好地刻画收益率曲线的动态变化,统计结果支持四因素CIR模型。

    Multi-factor models are necessary to characterize the changing shape of the yield curve over time , and the statistical tests support the case for four factor models .

  9. 他们已商量好怎样分配收益。

    They have agreed ( as to ) how to divide the profits .

  10. 当然,基本面看来并不太好:银行收益的好转大概也就只能持续这么长时间了,政府资助和超低利率也不会永远保持下去。

    Certainly , fundamentals do not look good : bank earnings can only be massaged for so long , while government handouts and ultra-low interest rates will not last forever .

  11. 企业在积极参与市场竞争的过程中,必须加强应收账款风险的防范与管理,把握好风险和收益之间的关系。

    When taking an active part in market competition , enterprises should strengthen the guard and supervision of receivable account and deal with the relationship between risk and profit well .

  12. 另外,海洋能源科技公司的邓利维也强调,该行业将会创造好几十亿美元的收益。

    Still OPT 's Dunleavy insists that will make it a multi-billion dollar industry .

  13. 稳健性的内在要求是对于当期消息确认的不对称及时性:即推迟确认好消息带来的收益,及时确认坏消息带来的损失。

    The intrinsic requirement for accounting conservatism is the asymmetric timeliness of current message acknowledgment : in other words , the benefits from the postponed confirmation of good news , and the losses from the promptly confirmation of bad news .

  14. 如果年度盈余具有信息含量,则在年报披露日前后,他们的收益曲线会不同,即好消息组合的收益曲线会获得正的收益,坏消息组合的收益为负。

    If the annual accounting earnings have information , the yield curves of these two portfolios are different before and after the annual report disclosure date . This means that the good-news portfolio can get positive revenue , and the bad-news portfolio can get negative revenue .

  15. 在以往很多学者的研究中,这一传递机制已经得到了很好的证实,即好天气高收益率,坏天气低甚至是负的收益率。

    In the previous research many scholars did , this transmission mechanism already have been confirmed very good , namely the fine weather a high returns ratio , the bad weather low even a negative returns ratio .

  16. 此外,开放式基金的业绩持续性不强,过去表现好的基金并不意味着一定能在未来取得好的收益。

    Besides , the weak sustainability of the funds shows that good performance of the past does not necessarily mean a high yield in the future .

  17. Dunn认为当人们第一次进入一个市场,他们发现市场价格太贵并且有不好的新闻影响市场价格,但租赁价格会与市场价格不符,会带来很好的收益。

    When they first came on to the market they were much too expensive and bad press since has had a big impact on prices , he says , but leasehold prices are now out of kilter and offer good value .