
  • 网络good name
  1. Kent讨论了如何为超类起一个好名字。

    Kent discusses how to come up with a good name for a superclass .

  2. 你的好名字能值真实的钱是它工具。

    Which means your good name can be worth real money .

  3. 你给孩子起好名字没有?

    Have you settled on a name for the baby yet ?

  4. B:陈小梅。好名字!

    B : May Chen . It 's a nice name .

  5. 函数被重命名,因为“get”和“put”在多用途名称空间中不算好名字,就像旧的simplego.pl脚本那样。

    The functions were renamed because " get " and " put " are not good names in a namespace that does not serve a single purpose , as the old simple_go.pl script did .

  6. 此外,鉴于这个装置的名字熄灯器,JKR确实是没有编一个好名字。

    Moreover , in giving the device the name " Put-Outer ," JKR did not concoct a clever name .

  7. 杰克:彼得•韦恩,好名字。

    Jake : Peter Winn . That 's a good name .

  8. 威廉答复道:“杰里是个好名字。”

    William replied : ' Jerry 's a strong name . '

  9. 对于一个公共汽车站来说那不是个好名字。

    It 's not a very good name for a stop .

  10. 一个好名字,给人带来自信心。

    While a bad name makes a person want to withdraw .

  11. 我钟爱简短的,取了个好名字的方法有以下几个原因。

    I prefer short , well-named methods for several reasons .

  12. 怪物到城堡里寻找一个好名字。

    The monster went to the castle to find a wonderful name .

  13. 叫美国人的好名字戴夫,吉姆等怎样?

    Whatever happened to good old American names like Dave or jim ?

  14. 我们在倡起个好名字导竞争是不可忽略合作。

    While we are advocating competition , we can 't forget cooperation .

  15. 有没有帮这张专集想好名字?

    Do you by any chance see a name for this album ?

  16. 我想我的姓可以当个好名字。

    I thought my family name would make a good first name .

  17. 想取好名字?就取乔伊

    You want a good name , go with Joey .

  18. 伊丽莎白是个好名字,是女皇的名字,

    Elizabeth is a fine name . the name of a queen .

  19. 给儿女取个好名字是父母的重要责任。

    It is a great responsibility for parents to choose a good name .

  20. 我帮你取了个好名字。

    I find a very good name for you .

  21. 我们对于好名字的第一反应往往是觉得好笑或者感到疑惑。

    Our very first reaction to great names is often amusement or confusion .

  22. 彼得。彼得.韦恩,好名字。

    Peter.Peter Winn . That 's a good name .

  23. 是我想歪了还是否决会是个好名字?

    Is it me , or is Veto starting to sound really good ?

  24. 天啊好名字

    Oh , jeez . Such a pretty name .

  25. 哦,这是个好名字.

    Oh , that 's a good name .

  26. 他会被赋予一个好名字。

    He would be given a good name .

  27. 见鬼了,真是个好名字。

    Damn ! That 's a good name .

  28. 好名字,还有一个问题,我是公狗。

    Good name . yeah , just one problem . I 'm a guy .

  29. 父母亲为孩子取个好名字很重要。

    It 's very important for parents to give good names to their children .

  30. 最难的部分是为接口确定一个好名字。

    The most difficult part was to decide on a good name for the interface .