
  • 网络All Good Things Must End;Song of Dream
  1. 好了这首歌在美国不怎么流行

    Right . Here 's a track . Wasn 't so popular in America .

  2. 一些人说他唱的太好了,把他的歌当成周杰伦唱的,盗版CD制造商把他的歌和周杰伦的混合起来,发行了一张叫做“周杰伦最新专辑《桥段》”的专辑。

    Some people said he sang so well that mistook his songs for Jay Chou ' s.Pirate CD makers mixed his songs with Jay 's and released a so-called " Jay Chou 's Latest Album-Love 's Way " .

  3. 汤好了,我给歌洛莉亚端上去一点。

    Oh , the soup is ready . I 'll bring some for Gloria .

  4. 你的仆人砍伐树木,我必给他们打好了的小麦二万歌珥,大麦二万歌珥,酒二万吧特,油二万吧特。

    I will give your servants , the woodsmen who cut the timber , twenty thousand cors of ground wheat , twenty thousand cors of barley , twenty thousand baths of wine and twenty thousand baths of olive oil .