
  1. 我真的好喜欢你最近在E!电视节目上说的话。

    I really enjoyed your recent comments to E !

  2. 我真的好喜欢NBA表演。

    I really love NBA show .

  3. 好喜欢啊我爱你Pink没有我穿着肥牛仔可爱但的确很可爱我是JimmyKimmel

    I love that , I love you Pink.Not as adorable as me in my pajama jeans , but I adorable . I 'm Jimmy Kimmel .

  4. Dorota看来好喜欢吸血鬼、音乐剧还有喜剧片哦。

    Dorota seems to like vampires , musicals and funny stuff !

  5. 费瑟还有奶油菠菜我好喜欢菠菜

    Faithie ! And creamy spinach . I just love spinach .

  6. 我好喜欢吃海鲜,尤其是虾子和螃蟹。

    A : I love seafood , especially shrimp and crabs .

  7. 凯莉,我真的好喜欢你的专栏。

    Carrie , I 'm such a fan of your coiumn .

  8. 我好喜欢你的连衣裙啊,真好看

    Wow , I love your dress , I love that !

  9. 我好喜欢你,但唔知点面对?

    I love you , but do not know why the face ?

  10. 好喜欢你送的巧克力,好好吃!

    Very happy chocolate that you send , good delicious !

  11. 华仔!我真的好喜欢你哟!

    Andy , I am a true fan of yours !

  12. 小小的可爱古董包,好喜欢啊。

    I really love this vintage bag , so cute .

  13. 其实我一直好喜欢你的手。

    In fact , I like you have good hands .

  14. 柴郡猫:我真的、真的好喜欢那顶帽子啊!

    Cheshire cat : I really do love that hat .

  15. 我好喜欢头靠在你大腿上睡觉的感觉。

    I like depending on the feeling which sleeps on your thigh .

  16. 我突然好喜欢兔子,尤其是白色的。

    I happen to like rabbits , especially white ones .

  17. 我好喜欢在海滩上堆沙堡。

    I love building a castle on the beach .

  18. 你总是让我朝思暮想,我好喜欢你。

    I can 't stop thinking about you . I really like you .

  19. 我好喜欢杨桃哦!感觉非常清爽!

    I like the carambolas very much , which make me feel cool !

  20. 麦克斯,我好喜欢你讲的荤段子

    Max , I love when you 're dirty .

  21. 菲比:天啊,他们好喜欢你做的砂锅!

    Phoebe : Oh . They love your casserole !

  22. 不会吧,我好喜欢他

    Are you kidding ? I love that guy !

  23. 我好喜欢我爱�

    I love it , and I love you .

  24. 我好喜欢希望我的婚礼也能这么美

    I love it . I only hope my wedding looks this good .

  25. 我好喜欢你每天晚上与我说晚安时候的一吻。

    I like you every day evening said good night time with me lips .

  26. 我好喜欢你的专栏,每期必看。

    Love your column , never miss it .

  27. 你爸爸好喜欢那件。

    The one your father liked so much .

  28. 好喜欢这张,真的非常好!

    Very nice ! Where is the location ?

  29. 妈妈,我好喜欢这个。

    Mommy , I love that so abundance .

  30. 我好喜欢亚洲的食物。

    I really love the food in Asia .