
  1. OscarDiaz设计了这款墨迹日历,从细管中流出的墨水在纸上显示出相应的日期。(好美的日历!)

    Oscar Diaz designed a calendar that uses the capillary action of printer ink spreading across paper to display the current date .

  2. 你好,阿苏,好美的发型。

    Hey , Sue . Nice haircut . Oh , mahalo .

  3. 她说,这栋房子好美。

    And she said , boy , that 's a pretty house .

  4. 你的头发看上去真的好美谢谢

    And your hair looks really nice . Hmm. Thanks .

  5. 你也是好美啊。

    RACHEL : Ahh , so do you , beautiful .

  6. 她好美?她还是很美。

    Doesn 't she look beautiful ? Well , she still does .

  7. 你好饿-你是说好美吗?

    You 're ravenous . - Do you mean ravishing ?

  8. 薇朵.你看起来好美

    Hi , Vicki . Wow , you look beautiful .

  9. 你站在雪中好美。

    Look how beautiful you are in the snow .

  10. 好美的乡村,好美的家园!

    Good US villages , and good US homes !

  11. 她好美,他们都说。

    She 's so beautiful , @ they say .

  12. 那种感觉真的好美,好温馨。

    That kind of the felling is really very beautiful , good sweet .

  13. 远方的人,梦里的你,好静、好美。

    From afar , you dream of , good static , and good US .

  14. 今天晚上这里的天空好美。

    The night sky here is so nice .

  15. 星星好美!因为,在繁星间有一朵看不见的花儿。

    The stars are beautiful , because of a flower that cannot be seen .

  16. 别把我的话当成人身攻击你的眼睛好美

    So don 't take the following personally . - You have fantastic eyes .

  17. 这里的风景好美啊!

    The scenery here is so beautiful !

  18. 那些星星真的看起来好美。

    Those stars sure do look pretty .

  19. 好美的郁金香

    Those are the most beautiful tulips .

  20. 这些托托戒好美啊

    They are such gorgeous TAT rings .

  21. 好美的景象呀!

    It was a beautiful sight .

  22. 我们买了这些复活节百合给你。(把花递给妈妈)好美的花。

    We got you these Easter lilies . [ hands flowers to mom ] They 're beautiful .

  23. 好美的春花!

    What beautiful spring flowers !

  24. 真是好美的一幕!

    What a beautiful picture .

  25. 摊位你的项链好美——你在哪儿买的?

    booth ( n. ) A : Your necklace is beautiful - where 'd you find it ?

  26. 一名微博用户说:两个知性女人的大国博弈,好美。

    Two intellectual women playing the game of great power politics - how beautiful . wrote one user .

  27. 好呀,好美,让我帮你调一下,利用光线。

    Yes , beautiful , let me place you a little bit , take advantage of the light .

  28. 好美,我们卖拥有对向他们肥臀的富有女人。

    Narrator : it was beautiful , we were selling rich women their own fat asses back to them .

  29. 推开了窗,月亮挂在天阙边,好美,是如此得醉人。

    Shoved open the window , the moon has hung nearby day error , good beautiful , was so intoxicant .

  30. 静看尘世,情深依依,梦里的你真的好静,好美。

    Static see earth , deep in emotion Yiyi , and the dreams you really good static , and good US .