
  • 网络Speedy
  1. 前言:目的:建立好得快气雾剂中利多卡因和醋酸氯己定的含量测定方法。

    Objective : To establish a method for determining Lidocaine and Chlorhexidine Acetate in SPEEDY Aerosol .

  2. 在老公的呵护下一定会好得快!

    Take care ! And everything will be fine .

  3. 新伤口好得快。

    Green wound is soon healed .

  4. 你吃什么灵丹妙药,好得这样快?

    What magic drug have you taken to recover so quickly ?

  5. 因为治疗及时,他的伤好得很快。

    His wound healed quickly because of timely treatment .

  6. 货好销得快。

    Good ware makes quick markets .

  7. 你的伤好得很快。

    Your recovery is even better .

  8. 如果不是他踢你小弟弟这几脚你的伤也不会好得这么快呀!

    If he didn 't hit you at the crotch , you won 't be healed so fast .

  9. 但问题是,世界变好得不够快,而且并不是每个人都感觉到世界在变得更好。

    The problem is , it 's not getting better fast enough , and it 's not getting better for everyone .

  10. 你可曾注意到,受了伤的人受到精心照顾,有时他们的伤好得并不快?

    Have you ever noticed how , when people get injured and are waited on hand and foot , sometimes their injuries don 't heal as quickly ?

  11. 做得好才做得快。

    Soon enough if well enough .

  12. 你要想练好武术就得反应快。

    You need very quick reflexes to be good at a martial art .