
wéi bó
  • scarf;muffler
围脖 [wéi bó]
  • [muffler;scarf] 〈方〉∶围巾

  1. 而即将于2015年推出的乙未年贺年邮票上,这只绵羊已经戴上了织好的围脖。

    The sheep is the animal for 2015 , heralding , according to astrological storytelling . In 2003 , the stamp on the cards issued by the post office had as its design a fluffy sheep busily knitting a scarf .

  2. 车上的人戴着大风帽,连嘴带鼻子都围在大围脖之内,只露着两个眼。

    The man was wearing a hood and his mouth and nose were muffled in a large scarf , leaving only his eyes showing .

  3. 我解开了他一直戴着的金黄色的围脖。

    I had loosened the golden muffler that he always wore .

  4. 没事儿别种菜,一起织围脖已经成了一个流行趋势,微博的流正有盖过传统的SNS社交网和即时通讯工具站的趋势。

    " Nothing other vegetables , along with woven collar " has become a popular trend , microblogging has overshadowed the traditional flow of positive trends in SNS website .

  5. Cyndie故意打扮的很惹人注意,一双棕色毛边皮靴,牛仔裤,一件浅色夹克还带着一条白色围脖。

    Cyndie is dressed to attract attention , in boots topped with brown fur , jeans , a light jacket and a white boa .

  6. 是的,但是绝对只要围巾,绝对不要围脖。

    Yes , but specifically a scarf and definitely not a snood .

  7. “今晚最好围上你的皮围脖。”

    " Better wear that boa about your throat to night . "

  8. 这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配。

    The fox goes very well with your cap .

  9. 她的白色围脖不小心掉在了地上,露出粘粘的乱发。

    Soon her boa is on the floor and her hair is mussed and sticky .

  10. 她围好一条红色的长呢围脖,然后打开房门。

    She wrapped round her a long red woolen cravat , and open the door .

  11. 球员可能被出于安全方面的考虑而禁止穿戴围脖,今日消息。

    Players could be banned from wearing snoods on safety grounds , it emerged today .

  12. 双耳洞,围脖。

    Double ears pierce . Infinity scarf .

  13. 在门厅和两旁的房间里,许多人都在穿大衣,围围脖儿。

    In the hall and adjacent rooms all manner of cloaking and shawling was going on .

  14. 我记得几年前坎珀在来我们球队踢球的时候他开始戴围脖。

    Well I remember when Ivan Campo came over playing for us a few years ago he started wearing one .

  15. 请记住,无论是写博客还是织围脖,我只是在和大家分享英语而不是在教英语。

    Please remember : whether it be blogging or weibo , Im here to share English rather than to teach it .

  16. 请记住:如果你能看到,而且你打算发个围脖,这时你就已经算得上半个记者了。

    Remember : if you can see it and you 've got the means to publish information about it , that makes you a de facto journalist .

  17. 围脖在英超中越来越受欢迎,这是由上赛季特为兹和阿德巴约起头的,但是围脖并不是官方认可的球服。

    Snoods have become increasingly popular in the Premier League after Carlos Tevez and Emmanuel Adebayor started the trend last season , but they are not officially-sanctioned kit .

  18. 在此:感谢我的领导远去日本给我带来的礼物,还有旋子的伦敦围脖很是好看,爱不释手!

    In this : I thank my leadership away Japan has brought me a gift , as well as spintronics London bib was very good-looking , put it down !

  19. 也会出现这样的安全隐患&比如一名球员在追逐着球,而他的对手一把拉住了他的围脖,那对于他的颈部就是一个潜在的危险。

    There may be a safety issue-if for example a player was running through on goal and an opponent grabbed his snood , that could pose a potential danger to his neck .

  20. 在伦敦中心的霍尔本站里,地铁司机没有察觉到乘客围脖的毛织围巾被卡住,并启动了皮卡迪利线地铁。

    The train driver was unaware that the woollen knitted scarf the passenger was wearing around her neck was trapped and started to move the Piccadilly line train at Holborn station in central London .

  21. 在前几日横扫伦敦和英国大部地区的骚乱发生时,围脖上在传播有用的新闻的同时,也在传播着夸大的传言和十足的谣言。

    As the riots spread across London and the rest of the country over the last few days , Twitter has been awash with rumour , exaggeration and downright untruth alongside people spreading useful news .

  22. 有一次,在战争接近结束时,我确实考虑过松开元首的围脖布,让一些头发茬掉到他背上,然而在最后关头,我失去了勇气。

    Once , toward the end of the war , I did contemplate loosening the Fuehrer 's neck-napkin and allowing some tiny hairs to get down his back , but at the last minute my nerve failed me .

  23. 曼联主教练弗格就禁止他的球员穿戴围脖,俱乐部的队长里奥也在几歪网上说:“你不会看到有曼联的球员穿戴围脖。”

    Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has banned his players from wearing them , with club captain Rio Ferdinand saying on his Twitter account : " You won 't see a Man Utd player wearing a snood . "

  24. 前几日也没干什么大事,只不过绣了个十字绣的钱包,织了两条围脖,养了一只小龟,开始了我的减肥事业,更下定决心努力学习

    A few days ago also did not do a major event , only a Cross-stitch embroidered purse , woven of two bib , and look after a little turtle began my weight loss cause even more determined to study hard

  25. 我争取着时间,又注意地观察了一下他缀满了补丁的裤子和脖子上黑布似的白围脖,以及他脸上那像汹涌的波浪般的天花。

    He was but shabbily apparelled in faded jacket and patched trowsers ; a rag of a black handkerchief investing his neck . A confluent small-pox had in all directions flowed over his face , and left it like the complicated ribbed bed of a torrent , when the rushing waters have been dried up .