
wéi shí mó
  • Peritrophic membrane;funnel
围食膜[wéi shí mó]
  1. EM制剂对蜜蜂中肠围食膜厚度的影响

    Effect of EM Reagent on the Peritrophic Matrix in Honeybee 's Midgut

  2. 本文即在构建草地螟中肠cDNA文库的基础上,利用围食膜蛋白的多克隆抗体免疫筛选来获得编码相关基因,并进行了初步的分离与鉴定。

    Based on the constructed cDNA library of the meadow moth midgut , we used PM proteins polyclonal antibody to isolate and characterize the related coding genes .

  3. 通过石蜡切片观察,发现饲喂EM生物制剂的蜜蜂中肠围食膜厚度和致密度有一定的增加。

    Paraffin sections through observation , found that feeding the bees EM biological agents in the intestinal Peritrophic matrix ( PM ) thickness and density have increased .

  4. 12h肠壁细胞、马氏管和卵巢均出现阳性反应,蚊围食膜开始出现,但不完整;

    12 h , stronger reactions were distributing in the midgut wall , ovary , malpighian tubule , the peritrophic matrix ( PM ) began to appear ;

  5. 应用环境扫描电镜和生化技术研究了甜菜夜蛾Spodopteraexigua正常围食膜和光增白剂M2R处理围食膜的形态、结构和组成。

    Environmental scanning electron microscopy and biochemical techniques were employed to analyze the structure of the normal and fluorescent brightener 28 ( M2R ) treated peritrophic membrane ( PM ) of Spodoptera exigua .

  6. 本文通过家蚕幼虫感染病毒后的中肠组织切片观察、扫描电镜观察围食膜的结构变化,探讨家蚕围食膜与BmNPV的相互关系。

    This thesis discusses the interrelationship between peritrophic membrane and BmNPV by using of morphology , histological and scanning electron microscope to observe the changes of the midgut and PM from BmNPV Per os and uninfected silkworm larvae .

  7. 围食膜:害虫生物防治的潜在靶标

    Peritrophic membrane : a potential target for biocontrol of pest insects

  8. 光增白剂对甜菜夜蛾围食膜结构的作用与影响

    Effects of fluorescent brightener on the peritrophic membrane structure of Spodoptera exigua

  9. 害虫生防新靶标&昆虫中肠围食膜的研究进展

    Progress in the peritrophic membrane as a novel target for insect control

  10. 昆虫围食膜蛋白抗体对杆状病毒感染性的影响

    Effect of Antibodies Against Peritrophic Membrane Proteins on Baculovirus Infectivity

  11. 低温和几丁质酶处理对棉铃虫围食膜的影响

    The Effects on Peritrophic Membrane of Helicoverpa armigera Treated by Low Temperature and Chitinase

  12. 全沟硬蜱围食膜初步观察研究

    Delicious food in Guangzhou preliminary observations on the peritrophic membrane of the tick Ixodes persulcatus

  13. FB28对甜菜夜蛾围食膜蛋白影响的研究

    Study on the Effect of Fluorescent Brightener 28 on Peritrophic Membrane Protein of Spodoptera exigua

  14. 刚果红对棉铃虫中肠围食膜的影响及其病毒增效作用

    Effect of Congo red on peritrophic membrane of Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ) and its viral-enhancing activity

  15. 该文综述了有关围食膜结构、组分、功能、通透性以及与害虫防治的关系等方面的研究进展。

    Research advances on structure , components , function , permeability and the relationship to insect pest management are summarized .

  16. 昆虫几丁质酶是分解昆虫体壁和中肠围食膜几丁质的重要酶类。

    Insect chitinases are a group of important chitinolytic enzymes , which hydrolyse the cuticle and peritrophic membranes of insects .

  17. 研究发现昆虫的围食膜的结构被破坏后,病毒的感染速度增快和昆虫的死亡率增高。

    Research suggests that the rate of virus infection and mortality of insect will increase while the peritrophic membrane is destroyed .

  18. 几丁质是昆虫表皮及围食膜的重要成分,许多酶参与几丁质的合成。

    Chitin was widely distributed in epidermis and peritrophic matrix of insects , many enzymes were involved in chitin biosynthesis pathway .

  19. 结果表明,饥饿幼虫、若虫、成虫以及吸血期雄性成虫不具围食膜。

    The results show that no PM occurs in blood feeding adult males and starved larvae , nymphs and adult males and females .

  20. 体外降解实验发现围食膜上某种大分子量的蛋白可以被增效蛋白降解。

    In vitro degradation experiment , we found a high molecular weight protein of the peritrophic membrane can be degraded by the Tn-En protein .

  21. 结果表明,苦皮藤麻醉成分不破坏中肠肠壁细胞,但对围食膜的分泌有显著抑制作用。

    The results showed that narcotic components of the Chinese bittersweet did not destroy the midgut cells but considerably inhibited the secretion of peritrophic membrane .

  22. 在离体条件下,以1%荧光增白剂FB-28解离适龄甜菜夜蛾幼虫围食膜,用所制得的围食膜蛋白为抗原,选体重2~3公斤的健康雄兔进行免疫。

    1 % Fluorescent brightener 28 ( M2R ) was used to dissociate peritrophic membrane proteins from the peritrophic membrane of Spodoptera exigua in vitro .

  23. 由于围食膜紧贴中肠内壁,包裹着食物,因此具有保护中肠上皮细胞和有助于食物消化吸收的功能。

    As they are positioned between food and midgut epithelium , PMs play an important role in protecting the midgut epithelium and digesting the food .

  24. 从家蚕横切面可以清楚的看到有围食膜位于食物和中肠之间。

    The PM clearly locates between the food and the midgut from cross-section of the silkworm , Which indicates that the silkworm has PM as most of the Lepidoptera .

  25. 吸血期幼虫、若虫及雌性成虫最晚分别于吸血开始后20、20及18小时出现了单层结构的围食膜;

    During blood feeding a single layered PM occurs no later than 20,18 , and 18 hours in the gut lumen of larvae , nymphs and adult females respectively .

  26. 结果表明正常家蚕幼虫围食膜是一层厚薄均匀、表面光滑,有弹性的长管状薄膜结构,围食膜几乎布满整个中肠管腔,呈现为多层膜结构。

    The results showed that the peritrophic membrane ( PM ) of normal silkworm larvae is a kind of long flexible tubular acellular net-membrane structure with varible thickness , smooth surface .

  27. 几丁质是昆虫等节肢动物、线虫和真菌特有的一类重要生物多聚物,支持昆虫表皮、气管以及肠上皮围食膜的角质层。

    Chitin is the special and important biological polymer of insects and other arthropods nematodes and fungi , which supporting insect epidermis , trachea and the peritrophic membrane of intestinal epithelial cuticle .

  28. 几丁质是昆虫外壳和围食膜的重要组成成分,在适当的时期昆虫分泌适量的几丁质酶降解几丁质以保证昆虫的正常生长。

    Chitin is an important polysaccharide that occurs in the exoskeleton and gut linings of insects , and it was degraded by chitinase at appropriate time for the proper development stage of the organism .

  29. 中肠很长且膨大,其肠壁细胞由柱状细胞和再生细胞组成,肠壁细胞外分别为环肌和纵肌,未观察到胃盲囊和围食膜。

    The midgut is very long and distensible considerably with the longitudinal muscles located outside of the circular muscles ; the epithelium consists of large columnar and small regenerative cells . Gastric caeca and peritrophic membrane were not observed .

  30. 至少分别于饱血后12、25及11天,仍能在幼虫、若虫及雌性成虫肠腔观察到完好状态的围食膜。

    At the same time , its distance to the gut wall surface increases rapidly . An intact PM can still be found at days 12 , 25 and 11 after repletion in larvae , nymphs and adult females respectively .