
rǔ niú
  • dairy cattle;milch cow
乳牛 [rǔ niú]
  • [dairy cattle;milch cow] 为供奶而专门饲养的牛,比一般母牛产奶量高。也叫奶牛

乳牛[rǔ niú]
  1. Ca、P营养失衡对乳牛蹄病的影响

    Effects of Imbalance Between Ca and P on Hoof Disease of Dairy Cattle

  2. ZRD型乳牛乳腺炎电子检测仪的临床应用

    Clinical use of a CN dairy cattle mastitis electronic detector

  3. 他那170头奶牛和200头乳牛都在那块地上圈养。

    His herd of 170 dairy cattle and 200 young stock are kept on the land .

  4. 乳牛在草地上徘徊。

    Cows were roaming the grassland .

  5. 过量钠盐、碱性pH值对褐环乳牛肝菌生长的影响

    Effect of alkaline pH and salt concentration on Suillus luteus mycelia growth

  6. 乳牛摄入含黄曲霉毒素B1饲料后奶中分泌M1的研究

    Studies on the secretion of aflatoxin m_1 in cow 's milk after a aflatoxin b_1 feeding

  7. 乳牛布鲁氏菌病病原DNA快速检测技术的研究

    Study on rapid detection technique of DNA in Brucella abortus from dairy cows with brucellosis

  8. 乳牛布鲁氏菌病PCR诊断试剂盒的实验室评估

    Laboratory evaluation on PCR diagnostic kit for detecting brucellosis in dairy cow

  9. 摄入不同能量的围产期乳牛肝低密度脂蛋白受体mRNA丰度的比较

    Comparison of abundance of LDLR mRNA in liver of periparturient dairy cows intaking different energy

  10. 乳牛血清中人HBV样颗粒性质的初步研究

    Preliminary Investigation of Human HBV-Like Particles in Cows Sera

  11. n.乳牛场霍布金斯家族经营亚利桑那州最大的乳牛场。

    dairy The Hopkins run the biggest dairy farm in the state of Arizona .

  12. 在埃塞俄比亚和坦桑尼亚,非洲乳牛遗传增益计划(ADGG)通过使用SMS和尖端的基因组技术,

    In Ethiopia and Tanzania , the African Dairy Genetic Gains program is using SMS and cutting-edge genomics

  13. 乳牛咽后淋巴结内S-100阳性树突状细胞的分布

    Distribution of S-100 positive dendritic cells in retropharyngeal lymph nodes of dairy cow

  14. 微粒体甘油三脂转运蛋白MTP的结构和功能研究概况乳牛肝MTP基因mRNA定量检测模板的构建

    Construction of template for detecting changes of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein mRNA in liver of dairy cows

  15. 鲁梅克斯K-1杂交酸模对荷斯坦乳牛产奶量及乳品质的影响

    Effect of Rumex K-1 on Milk Production and Composition in Holstein Dairy Cows

  16. 猪、鸡粪发酵过程中有CH4、H2S产生,乳牛粪中未被检出。

    CH4 and H2S generated during the hen and porcine manure fermentation , but no CH4 and H2S measured during the dairy cattle manure fermentation .

  17. 利用CNCPS和GI进行乳牛日粮优化设计及其应用效果评价研究

    Study on the Optimum Design of Dairy Cattle 's Diet and Evaluation Its Application Effect by CNCPS and GI

  18. 介绍了生物技术应用于乳业的最新进展,包括采用BST(牛生长激素)来提高乳牛的产奶量和利用生物技术来增强乳的免疫功能及免疫乳的生产;

    Up-to-date of biotechnique in dairy industry , including the use of BST to increase the milk production and improve the immunity of milk were introduced .

  19. 骨代谢病乳牛血中1,25-二羟胆钙化醇(DHCC)含量的测定及发病机理研究

    Study on Measurement of Serum 1,25-Dihydroxy Chole-calciferol ( DHCC ) and the Mechanism of the Osseous Metabolism Disease

  20. 117头乳牛,分试验组和对照组,试验组按NRC乳牛营养标准给日粮,对照组按该场原配方给日粮。

    The 117 cows were divided lute two groups of both experimental group and centrol group . The experimental group was feeded by NRC nutritional standard of cow .

  21. 乳牛布氏杆菌病的血清琼脂扩散试验而AGP阳性检出率为34.8%(16/46)。

    A STUDY ON AGAR GEL DIFFUSION PRECIPITATION TEST IN BOVINE BRUCELLOSIS The serum samples of affected goat were detected by IHA and agar gel precipitation ( AGP ) .

  22. 经鉴定和安全试验,上述三株菌混合后的联合培养物,接种生料发酵制成微生态制剂BLS,饲喂泌乳牛。

    Having been identified and safety-tested , the above bacteria were mixed and cultivated to inoculate and ferment raw medium to microbiological culture BLS which was used to feed dairy cow .

  23. PAC复合酶饲料添加剂对荷斯坦乳牛的饲喂实验表明,在奶牛饲料中添加0.4%PAC复合酶饲料添加剂可使乳产量提高7.62%,乳成分有所改善,乳脂率提高10%。

    PAC complex feed additive was used to feed Holstein cows . Results demonstrated milk yield and milk fat content of Holstein cows could be increased 7.62 % and 10 % with addition 0.4 % of PAC complex feed additive .

  24. 结果表明,新生乳牛的胸腺已相当发达,含ANAE阳性反应的淋巴细胞较多,其分布自皮质向髓质呈递增的趋势。

    The results showed that newborn calves had moderately developed thymus at birth and contained numerous ANAE-positive lymphocytes . The distribution of the ANAE-positive cells gradually increased from the cortex toward the medulla in thymus .

  25. 采取10头健康乳牛的咽后淋巴结,按常规制备石蜡切片,用兔抗牛S-100多克隆抗体进行免疫组织化学染色,观察了健康乳牛咽后淋巴结内树突状细胞(DC)的分布。

    To observe the distribution of dendritic cells ( DCs ) in retropharyngeal lymph nodes of dairy cow , lymph nodes were obtained from 10 healthy dairy cow . Paraffin sections were prepared as usual , and immunohistochemistry staining was conducted with S-100 protein as a marker of DCs .

  26. 对4批331头凝集试验阳性(24份)或阴性(307份)乳牛的乳样用本方法检测,符合率为100%。在48h内即可获得诊断结果。

    The milk samples from 24 dairy cows positive for brucellosis with the serum agglutination test were examined by the method and all of the milk specimens were positive and the diagnostic result can be obtained within 48 hours . head continuous with body ;

  27. 以免疫扩散(ID)和改良的微量免疫扩散(MID)试验,对宁沪地区13个乳牛场的1402头黑白花乳牛进行牛白血病病毒(BLV)感染的血清流行病学调查。

    The immunodiffusion ( ID ) test and improved micro immunodiffusion ( MID ) test for detecting antibodies to bovine leukemia virus ( BLV ) were applied to 1402 Holstein cattle sera of 13 herds in Nanjing and Shanghai area for seroepidemiological study of BLV infection .

  28. 采用分期交叉对照设计方案,进行了为期80d的晋畜乐(增乳素),饲喂泌乳牛的试验研究。

    Lactating cows were fed on " Jin chule " ( Increase milk product ) for 80 days by adopting controlled cross by stages design program .

  29. 火炬松育苗试验结果表明:火炬松大田育苗最佳的处理组合为苗木密度100~150株/m2、芽苗截根处理以保留芽苗主根长的50%、接种厚环乳牛肝菌Sg;

    The seedling experimentation of Pinus taeda was studied . The best combination of seedling was that the seedling density 100 ~ 150 trees / m ~ 2 , retaining half of the main root length of a seedling , and artificial inoculation of Suillus grevillei .

  30. 由此认为,乳牛骨代谢病是由肾功能障碍致维生素D转变为DHCC过程受阻,使DHCC含量降低引起的。

    It was concluded that the disease was resulted from lower DHCC content in serum , which was caused by the disfunction of the kidney , so the vitamine D can not be converted into DHCC .