
wéi dǔ zhènɡ cè
  • containment;policy of restricting the territorial growth or ideological influence of a hostile nation
  1. 谁说对萨达姆的围堵政策使得他不能够重建军事力量?

    Who said of containment against Saddam Hussein We are able to keep arms from him . His military forces have not been rebuilt ?

  2. 考虑到靠近中国海域的中日领土争端,首相安倍会欣然接受这样的围堵政策,因为这意味着在中国的“骚扰”面前承诺一个“更强大”的日本。

    Prime Minister Abe will have little trouble with such a containment policy , promising a " stronger " Japan in the face of " harassment " from China over a territorial dispute near Chinese waters .

  3. 例如,有时被斥责为美国跟班的意大利总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼(silvioberlusconi)就是对正面围堵俄罗斯政策最持保留态度的欧洲领导人之一。

    For example , Silvio Berlusconi , the Italian prime minister who has sometimes been accused of being a vassal of the US , is one of the most reserved European leaders with regard to a policy of containment vis a vis Russia .