
yā dǎo xìnɡ shènɡ lì
  • Landslide victory;overwhelming victory
  1. 此前几天,缅甸军方统治者宣称在缅甸备受批评的选举中取得了压倒性胜利。这次选举是缅甸20年来的第一次。

    That was just days after the country 's military rulers claimed an overwhelming victory in Burma 's widely criticized first election in two decades .

  2. 全国民主联盟在5个月前的选举中获得压倒性胜利。

    The NLD won a landslide victory in the elections five months ago .

  3. 很显然,市场很高兴看到执政的国大党(congressparty)在议会选举中获得压倒性胜利,这应该能让市场摆脱政治操纵,获得更大自由。

    It is plain that the market is very happy that the ruling Congress Party won a smashing victory in parliamentary elections , which should now give it much greater freedom of political manoeuvre .

  4. 本着这种精神,杰西潘尼公司(J.C.Penney)在超级碗期间发布了几条充满拼写错误的微博——“海鹰队触地得分!西雅图是否将获得压倒性胜利?”——试图赢得一些关注。

    In that vein , J.C. Penney ( JCP ) attempted to get some play during the Super Bowl by sending out tweets laced with typos .

  5. 对于赞成方阵营所说的公正,1998年詹金斯委员会在选举改革上总结到,对于有着压倒性胜利的选举,AV会扩大获胜一方的势力范围:1997年,工党因此只获得419个席位而不是452个。

    For all the Yes camp 's talk of fairness , the 1998 Jenkins commission on electoral reform concluded that , in a landslide election , AV exaggerates the swing to the winning party : in 1997 , Labour would have won 452 seats rather than 419 .

  6. 李世石可以说是过去10年最棒的围棋手,他曾预计自己会取得压倒性胜利。他认为,AlphaGo缺少击败他所需的“直觉”。

    Lee Se-dol , arguably the best player of the past decade , had expected to win a crushing victory , arguing that AlphaGo lacked the " intuition " needed to beat him .

  7. 压倒性胜利。这就是他们的说法。

    A landslide . that 's what they are calling it .

  8. 近代史上,哪几次大选取得了最大的压倒性胜利?

    1 : What are the biggest election landslides in modern history ?

  9. 虽然投入了巨资,双方却都没有取得压倒性胜利。

    For all the money spent , neither side managed convincingly to win .

  10. 埃尔多安去年以压倒性胜利赢得大选。

    Mr. Erdogan won last year 's general election with a landslide victory .

  11. 一定能获得压倒性胜利

    I think you 'd win by a landslide .

  12. 自从去年取得压倒性胜利以来,他的支持率急剧下降。

    His popularity has fallen dramatically since he won a landslide victory last year .

  13. 反对党在竞选中获得压倒性胜利。

    The opposition party swept the election .

  14. 计算机在对70%的选票清点后预测:反对党将取得压倒性胜利

    Computer predictions were 70 percent of the votes counted are for a landslide victory for the opposition parties

  15. 最近几个星期,克林顿在西维吉尼亚州和肯塔基州都赢得压倒性胜利。

    In recent weeks , she has scored overwhelming victories in the states of West Virginia and Kentucky .

  16. 鉴于这些挟持国家的共和党人刚刚在选举中获得压倒性胜利,把他们叫做人民公敌是需要勇气的。

    Since these hostage-taking Republicans had just won a sweeping election victory , calling them public enemies was brave .

  17. 塞尔维亚总统亚历山大·武契奇宣布,其所在政党在周日举行的议会投票中获得了压倒性胜利。

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has declared a landslide victory for his party in a parliamentary vote held on Sunday .

  18. 上周日的选举中,这个秉持保守主义立场的政党获得了压倒性胜利,在众议院获得绝对多数席位。

    The party won a resounding victory on Sunday , claiming an absolute majority in the lower house of Parliament .

  19. 为泰党在选举中获得压倒性胜利之后,柬埔寨首相发表了一份祝贺信。

    After the Puea Thai Party 's landslide election victory , the Cambodian Prime Minister issued a letter of congratulations .

  20. 伊朗的改革派候选人穆萨维在选举中输给现任总统艾哈迈迪内贾德。伊朗官员说,艾哈迈迪内贾德取得压倒性胜利。

    Reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi lost to incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in what Iranian officials say was a landslide victory .

  21. 2011年,费尔南德斯以压倒性胜利再次当选总统一周之后,阿根廷首次出台了汇率管控。

    Argentina first introduced currency controls a week after Ms Fern á ndez was re-elected president by a landslide in 2011 .

  22. 希拉里向支持者讲话,庆祝她在肯塔基获得的压倒性胜利,并承诺要将竞选进行到底。

    Speaking to her supporters , Clinton celebrated her lopsided win in Kentucky and promised that she will stay in the race .

  23. 卢旺达总统选举已进入计票阶段,很多人预言现任总统保罗·卡加梅将赢得压倒性胜利。

    Votes are being counted in the Rwandan presidential election , with incumbent Paul Kagame widely predicted to win a landslide victory .

  24. 拜登对艾哈迈迪·内贾德的压倒性胜利表示惊讶——尤其是在伊朗的反对党横行的城市地区。

    Biden expressed surprise over President Ahmadinejad 's reported margin of victory - especially in urban areas where Iran 's opposition appeared strongest .

  25. 自周六正式宣布艾哈迈迪·内贾德以压倒性胜利赢得伊朗总统大选之后,内贾德就面临着示威和骚乱。经过两周的动乱之后,内政部称,任何破坏公共安全的人都将被依法处理。

    President Ahmadinejad has faced demonstrations and riots since Saturday , when officials announced his victory in Friday 's election . Following two days of

  26. 但是选举日那天在佛罗里达州获得压倒性胜利后,奥巴马也不太可能一脚把那些喜欢航天计划的投票人踢开。

    But having successfully reeled in Florida on Election Day , he 's not likely to do anything to tick off its space-happy voters either .

  27. 压倒性胜利往往留有后遗症,胜者妄自尊大,负者谚面无存,而失败者破碎的尊严会阻碍和平进程几十年之久,以色列在1948年和1967年赢取的两场战争无不如此。

    Lopsided victories , like the ones Israel won in1948 and1967 , can leave a residue of hubris on one side and shattered pride on the other that block peacemaking for decades .

  28. 一定意义上说,没有金诺克在1983-1992年重建工党的努力,便没有布莱尔1997年大选的压倒性胜利,也没有第三条道路理论的出台。

    In a sense , it was almost impossible , without Kinnock 's restructuring efforts between 1983 and 1992 , for Tony Blair to win overwhelmingly the general election in 1997 , let alone the putting forward of the " Third Way " theory .

  29. 克林顿参议员向支持者讲话,庆祝她在肯塔基获得的压倒性胜利,并承诺要继续竞选下去。克林顿说:“今后的竞争仍会艰难,我充满信心,以我所知的特有的方式竞选,不放弃,不屈服。”

    Speaking to her supporters , Clinton celebrated her lopsided win in Kentucky and promised that she will stay in the race . She said " This continues to be a tough fight , and I have fought it the only way I know how , with determination , by never giving up and never giving in . "

  30. 全国民主联盟获得了压倒性的胜利。

    The National League for Democracy pulled off a landslide victory