
dǎng pài
  • party;political parties and groups;party groupings
党派 [dǎng pài]
  • [party;political parties and groups] 各个政党或政党内各个派别的统称

  • 党派政治

  • 党派关系

党派[dǎng pài]
  1. 中国各党派间虽然较前团结,但是还远远地没有达到必要的程度。

    Although the political parties and groups are relatively united as compared with the past , unity still falls far short of what is needed .

  2. 变法失败后,新旧两党展开了更为激烈的斗争,无论哪一派上台,都极力排斥异己,党派斗争持续不断。

    After the failure of the political reform , the new and the old parties launched a more intense struggle . No matter which group was in power , it strongly excluded outsiders . The struggle among political parties and groups continues .

  3. 各党派成员都赞同禁用地雷。

    Members of all parties endorsed a ban on land mines .

  4. 这次选举对这个党派来说几乎是一场灾难。

    The election proved to be a near disaster for the party .

  5. 在这个问题上各反对党派众口一词。

    The various opposition parties speak with one voice on this issue .

  6. 支持这个党派的人渐渐化为乌有。

    Support for the party has dwindled away to nothing .

  7. 所有党派同仇敌忾地痛斥恐怖主义者。

    All parties joined in bitter denunciation of the terrorists .

  8. 民族主义党派联合反对政府的计划。

    Nationalist parties united to oppose the government 's plans .

  9. 这个党派的领袖未遇反对,再次当选。

    The party leader was re-elected unopposed .

  10. 有80多个党派在竞争两院的议席。

    More than 80 parties are contesting seats in the two-chamber parliament

  11. 各党派一致认为有必要实行议会民主。

    Every party is united on the need for parliamentary democracy

  12. 事实上,这个党派的残余分子确实仍然拥有可观的资产。

    The rump of the party does in fact still have considerable assets

  13. 无党派候选人在地方议会选举中赢得了多数席位。

    Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council .

  14. 他公然蔑视各大党派。

    He 's openly contemptuous of all the major political parties

  15. 他被任命为内阁成员会让右翼党派很高兴。

    His appointment to the Cabinet would please the right-wing .

  16. 这个党派有3名议员会继续在议会任职。

    The party 's three MPs will continue to sit in parliament .

  17. 民主党成了中立的党派。

    The Democrats have become a party of the centre .

  18. 后来他召集了他所属党派的核心领导人开会。

    Later he called a meeting of his party 's central office bearers

  19. 任何党派践踏人权的行为都不能容忍。

    Human rights abuses by any party are intolerable .

  20. 该党派肯定不是公安部门的官方附属机构。

    The Party was certainly not an official adjunct of the police department .

  21. 通常情况下,反对党议员质询大臣们时,只是在进行党派斗争。

    Usually when Opposition MPs question Ministers they are just playing party politics .

  22. 最近一位无党派候选人的支持率迅速上升。

    There 's been a late surge of support for an independent candidate .

  23. 该党派要向其领导人开刀了。

    The Party knives are out for the leader .

  24. 各党派的政客们都对该行为表示谴责。

    Politicians across the political spectrum have denounced the act

  25. 她说她的党派虽败犹荣。

    She said her party had won a moral victory

  26. 新罕布什尔州党派激进分子对于总统选举终于启动感到欣喜若狂。

    Party activists in New Hampshire rejoiced that the presidential campaign had finally started .

  27. 有些党派指责州长在拖延时间。

    Some parties have accused the governor of stalling

  28. 选民们现在应该确切知道各党派的主张了。

    The voters should by now be in no doubt what the parties stand for

  29. 每个党派代表一种不同的思潮。

    Each party represents a distinct current of thought

  30. 他激烈的竞选言辞使反对党派一连几个月都保持警觉。

    His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months .