
  • 网络Danghe River
  1. 党河冲积扇带和疏勒河冲积平原,构成了敦煌这片内陆平原。

    With the party and the Shule River alluvial fan alluvial plain , this constitutes a land-locked plains Dunhuang .

  2. 祁连山党河南山扎子沟29号冰川区雪、降水和地表水化学特征研究

    A Study of Chemical Characteristics of Snow , Precipitation and Surface Water in the Basin of the Glacier No.29 in

  3. 甘肃南祁连褶皱带党河南山地区中奥陶世火山岩的岩石学和微量元素、稀土元素的地球化学等研究证明,本区火山岩由基性火山岩和中性火山岩组成。

    It is suggested basic lava and intermediate lava constitute the volcanic rocks by the testing of rare earth elements and trace elements in southern Danghe Mt.

  4. 桥不见了,而且道路被阻塞,因此,鳕党进入河之内脱掉了他的甲胄而且跋涉了出。

    The bridge was gone and the roads were blocked , so Ling Tong took off his armour and waded out into the river .