
dǎnɡ nèi máo dùn
  • contradictions within the party
  1. 整风是用批评和自我批评解决党内矛盾的一种方法,也是解决党同人民之间的矛盾的一种方法。

    This is a way of resolving contradictions within the Party through criticism and self-criticism and also of resolving contradictions between the Party and the people .

  2. 同时注重从思想上建党,创立了整风运动这样一种解决党内矛盾的途径。

    Also , they paid much attention to the thought construct of the party and originated the mean of solving the contradiction of the party , that 's rectification .

  3. 三讲教育是对党建史上成功历史经验的创造性借鉴,也是对马克思主义关于党内矛盾和党内思想教育理论的创造性运用。

    The education benefits by the successful experiences of uhe Party-building history and brings forth new ones , and put the Marxism ideological education theory which carried out in the Party to use creatively .

  4. 三讲是在新的历史条件下解决党内矛盾的正确途径,是提高领导干部思想政治素质的重大举措,是推动党建工作的有力杠杆。

    " Three-talk " is a correct way of solving contradiction of inner-party in the course of new historical term , and is a great movement of heightening leaders ' ideological and political qualities , and is a powerful lever of pushing party constructive works foward .

  5. 这一作风是建立在唯物辩证法基础上的,运用批评与自我批评这个武器来解决党内矛盾是促进革命和建设事业兴旺发达的重要动力,是我们党坚持真理,修正错误的有效途径。

    This attitude is the establishment in the materialistic dialectics foundation , solves using the criticism with self-criticism this weapon inner-party contradictory is promotes revolutionary and the construction undertaking prosperous development the important power , is our party insists the truth , revises the wrong efficient path .

  6. 正确处理党内主要矛盾的制度创新&以利益为视角

    Systematic innovation of accurately deal with the inner-party main contradictions

  7. 关注群众的物质利益;党内利益矛盾不可回避

    Pay close attention to the masses ' material benefits ; The Inner-Party Contradictions Concerning Interests Can 't Be Evaded

  8. 党内思想上的矛盾和问题是客观存在的,解决矛盾和问题是一项重要的任务。

    It is an important task for the Party to handle thought contradictions and problems , which are objectively existent .