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  1. 意见分歧使该党分裂成若干集团。

    Difference of opinion broke the party up into camps .

  2. 该党分裂成若干小派系。

    The party split into petty factions .

  3. 意见分歧使这个党分裂成各个小派别。

    Difference of opinion broke up the party into fractions .

  4. 该党分裂成两个截然不同的团体。

    The party split into two distinct groups .

  5. Thepartysplitintotwodistinctgroups.该党分裂成两个截然不同的团体。这两个主意完全不同。

    Those two ideas are quite distinct .

  6. 这个问题已经使保守党分裂成两派。

    This issue has divided the conservative party down the middle .

  7. 我们党有成百万有经验的干部。

    Our Party has millions of experienced cadres .

  8. 那个党分裂成互相敌对的一些派别。

    The party divided into warring factions .

  9. 克莱格把自民党打造成核心党派的远景显得愈发遥不可及。

    Mr Clegg 's vision of the Lib Dems as a party of the centre often looked remote .

  10. 这些人已经从偷电子设备的无赖飙车党晋级成了为阻止核战而努力奋斗的政府特工了。

    These people have gone from rogue drivers stealing electronics to government agents working to stop a nuclear war .

  11. 他的极左观点使得他在极端保守党人眼中成了魔鬼的化身。

    His strong left-wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives .

  12. 党已经演变成一个服务于自身利益的精英集团,明显没有群众基础。

    It has evolved into a self-serving elite ; conspicuously , it has no base among the masses .

  13. 竞选初期,形势就相当明朗,工党对保守党构不成大的威胁。

    It had become obvious from quite early in the campaign that the Labour Party did not pose a serious threat to the tories .

  14. 保守党的财政大成乔治奥斯本保证在这周完成执行银行独立委员会的建议。

    George Osborne , the Tory chancellor of the exchequer , this week pledged to implement the ICB 's recommendations in full .

  15. 这将大幅提振共和党的士气。该党近年被描绘成陷入意识形态死胡同,依靠人数不断下降的老年白人选民支持。

    That would sharply boost the morale of a Republican party that has been portrayed as stuck in an ideological cul-de-sac in recent years , reliant on a declining voter base of ageing white men .

  16. 我国社会主义政治文明由有中国特色社会主义政治理念、政治制度和我国政治主体的政治行为所组成,通过党的决策结构成健全的政治文明,通过党的决策推动它发展。

    The socialist political culture in our country consists of the political ideal , the political system , and the political behavior with the Chinese characteristic . It is formed through the Party 's decision structure and developed through carrying out the decisions .

  17. 一些企业的党组织关系已经归口所在区域的地方党组织管理,成了地方党组织和城市社区不可分割的组成部分。

    Some enterprises have centralized the party organizations in the region between the management of local party organizations , local party organizations and the city has become an integral part of the community .

  18. 党章草案的总纲,着重地指出了党必须不断地发扬党的工作中的群众路线的传统,并且指出了这个任务由于党成了执政的党而有更加重大的意义。

    The general programme in the draft constitution stresses that the party must unceasingly carry forward the tradition of the mass line in party work and points out that since the party is now in power , this task has acquired even greater significance than before .