
  • 网络inter-party relation
  1. 马克思主义党际关系论纲师生关系:发展性主体际交往关系

    The Teacher Student Relationship : A Developmental Relationship of Inter Subjective Association

  2. 第一部分是我国现存党际关系的由来和意义。

    Chapter 1 gives the origin and significance of the existing inter-party relations in our country .

  3. 把党际关系等同于国家关系也是同盟关系破裂的重要原因。

    Equating the party relations to the national relations also are the important reasons which the union relates bursts .

  4. 党的三代领导集体对党际关系理论的探讨与实践

    Exploration and practice of the leader groups over three generations in the theory of relationship between different political parties

  5. 全方位党际关系格局的形成及其特点它建造成这样,有一点儿老式府邸的格局。

    The Formation and Features of Overall Inter-party Relationship Pattern ; There is something about old-fashioned mansions built as this is .

  6. 党际关系是国际关系的重要组成部分,政党外交是各国对外关系中不可缺少的重要领域。

    Inter-party relations are an important part of international relations , the diplomacy of political party is an indispensable field in the diplomatic relations of each country .

  7. 第五部分、中苏大论战的历史启示:完全平等、互不干涉内部事务,是正确处理党际关系的核心;

    Part five : The CPC-CPR controversy provided us with following profound historical lesson and enlightenment , Any country can 't intervene in the internal affairs of other countries .

  8. 第一部分是关于党际关系的基础知识。文章首先界定了党际关系的内涵,区分了党际关系和国家关系的概念,简要介绍了马克思主义关于党际关系的最初思考和实践。

    The first part touches on rudimentary understanding of inter-party relations such as its definition , difference between inter-party relations and relations among countries , and initial thought and practice of Marxism .

  9. 政党外交必须坚持党际关系四项原则,积极拓宽党的对外交往面,扩大党的国际影响力。

    The diplomacy of political party must adhere to the four principles between the parties , actively develop the international diplomacy of our party , and expand the international influence of our party .

  10. 产生差异的重要原因是由于国情的不同和政党制度的区别。西方学者在党际关系特别是党际协商理论这方面的研究相对较少,而对中国党际协商理论的研究更是寥寥无几。

    And due to the specific conditions of different reasons , The western scholars in inter-party relations especially inter-party negotiation theory , this research is relatively small , while the Chinese inter-party negotiation theory is scanty .

  11. 为此,世界各国外交的关注点已从过去单纯的国家关系转移到党际关系,通过建立和发展党际关系来推动国家关系的发展。

    For this reason , more attentions have been placed by all over countries from simple relations among countries in the past to inter-party relations nowadays , that is , the improvement of relations among countries by building and developing inter-party relations .

  12. 这是研究当代中国党际领导关系的逻辑起点。

    This is the logical start of the research .

  13. 运用博弈论等理论,阐明利益问题是党际领导关系中的核心问题。

    In this part , the author applied Game Theory , etc. to expound that interest is the core issue in the relation of inter-party leadership .

  14. 因此,本文在研究过程中注意了以下几点:一是在研究思路上,注重从党际领导关系着眼。

    Therefore , the following points have been focused on in the paper : First , the author put focus on the relation of inter-party leadership .

  15. 这是当代中国党际领导关系研究的逻辑延伸。着重研究什么领导的问题,即当代中国党际领导是围绕什么样的核心问题而进行的领导。

    This is the logical extension of the research , which focuses on the issue of " what kind leadership ", i.e. what is the core issue that contemporary Chinese inter-party leadership encircles .

  16. 另一方面,当代中国党际领导关系研究是一个具有很强政治性的课题,怎样体现学术性,避免写成政论文,有很大难度。

    On the other hand , the research on the relation of contemporary Chinese inter-party leadership is of great political meaning , so it is quite difficult to display its academic nature to avoid a political article .

  17. 着重研究怎样领导的问题,即在当代中国党际领导关系中领导者怎样领导的问题。

    This is a mostly essential section in the research , which focuses on the issue of " how to lead ", i.e. how does the leader implement leadership in the relation of contemporary Chinese inter-party leadership .

  18. 尽管当代中国党际领导关系形成已有半个多世纪了,理论工作者和实际工作者对党际领导理论也进行了一些探索,但在领导实践中一定程度上依靠的仍然是经验领导。

    Although contemporary Chinese inter-party leadership has been set up for half a century , and theoretical and practical researchers have been probing into inter-party leadership theory for years , the practice of leadership depends on experiences to some extent .

  19. 进而从党际领导与政党制度的关系角度,分析只有在多党合作制条件下才有可能形成明确、稳定、持久的党际领导关系。

    Secondly , from the prospective of relationship between the inter-party leadership and the political party system , the author deemed that only under the multiparty cooperation system can form the relation of inter-party leadership .