
dǎnɡ zhènɡ fēn kāi
  • Separation of Party and Government;separate the functions of the party from those of the government division of labour between party and government
  1. 党政分开与党的领导

    Divide Party from Government and the Leadership of the Party

  2. 当然,提高工作效率不仅是党政分开问题,还有其他方面的问题也需要解决。

    Of course this is not just a question of separating the Party from the government , there are many other problems to be solved too .

  3. 在此种领导模式下,党政分开不会削弱党的领导。

    Under this kind of leading mode , the leading of the Party will not be undermined by the " Separation of the Party and the Administration " .

  4. 在列宁执政时期,多次清理国家机关,裁汰冗员,并注重改革机关运行制度,实行党政分开,明确岗位负责人的责任,提高工作效率,提倡厉行节约。

    Lenin cleaned up the state organs , weeded out the superfluous and unqualified redundancies , reformed the institutions operating system , separated the party and government , cleared the job responsibility of the person in charge , enhanced efficiency and promoted austerity .

  5. 改革的内容,首先是党政要分开,解决党如何善于领导的问题。

    Its content should be as follows . First , we should separate the Party and the government and decide how the Party can exercise leadership most effectively .

  6. 党的领导是不能动摇的,但党要善于领导,党政需要分开,这个问题要提上议事日程。

    We should be firm about leadership by the Party . The Party should lead well , but its functions must be separated from those of the government . This question should be put on the agenda .

  7. 主要内容有以下四个方面:改革权力高度集中,实行党政、政企分开,有利于加强和改善党的领导;

    The theory consists of four aspects : reform the power distribution , seperating the Party from the government ;

  8. 我国党政关系的实质不是党政分开,而是根据各自性质合理划分工作职能、有效地分工协作的问题。

    Therefore , the essence of the relationship between party and government is not a separation of the two as that in the West , but an issue of division of working duties and effective coordination between the two according to their respective characters .